More inequality than ever in rich countries

This video says about itself:

Thomas Piketty and Joseph Stiglitz on Inequality

8 April 2015

Thomas Piketty and Joseph E. Stiglitz discuss the causes of, consequences of, and remedies for inequality. With opening remarks from Clive Cowdery, George Soros, OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria, Institute President Rob Johnson and Institute Board Members Anatole Kaletsky and Lord Adair Turner.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Income inequality at highest point

Today, 17:38

Income inequality in most industrialized countries is now at the highest point since the OECD began measuring it, thirty years ago. The richest ten percent earn 9.6 times as much as the lowest paid ten percent in the 18 OECD countries.

That is bad for the poorer part of the population, but also detrimental to economic growth, the OECD writes.


In the Netherlands, income inequality is relatively low … However, the assets disparity here is very large. Only in the USA this is even greater. …

Furthermore, the OECD remarks that relatively many permanent jobs in the Netherlands have disappeared in recent years, while zero-hours jobs have increased.

Last week the New York Times released the results of an opinion poll, conducted in collaboration with CBS News, showing overwhelming and growing popular opposition to social inequality in the United States: here.

22 thoughts on “More inequality than ever in rich countries

  1. THE Tories and their Liberal Democrat collaborators drove 30 per cent of Britain’s population into poverty in the first three years of their coalition, new figures revealed yesterday.

    According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), 19.3 million people fell below the official poverty line at some point between 2010 and 2013.

    Worst-hit were pensioners and single-parent families — evidence that the coalition government targeted those most vulnerable and least able to defend themselves.

    Other European countries also did badly during the bankers’ financial crisis, with Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Spain hit the worst.

    “This not only has implications for the design of policies to tackle poverty, but also means that a greater number of people experience poverty than are revealed by the headline poverty indicators,” the ONS said.


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