Drunk hedgehog saved from road

This 2 June 2015 video is about the drunk hedgehog in Arnhem, the Netherlands.

Translated from ANP news agency in the Netherlands, 1 June 2015:

The animal ambulance in Arnhem has saved a drunken hedgehog from traffic. This reports the animal shelter in Arnhem on its Facebook page. The animal treated itself to advocaat alcoholic drink after a bottle had broken on the street. A passerby saw the hedgehog was extremely intoxicated, unable to do anything. It was also unable to roll itself into a ball in case of imminent danger. The animal ambulance was warned.

The hedgehog was taken to a shelter for animals, where it slept during its ‘high’. The animal will be released back into the wild when it will feel well again.

Meanwhile, the hedgehog has been freed.