Texas police violence against teenagers for swimming

This video from Texas in the USA says about itself:


6 June 2015

A fight between a mom and a girl broke out and when the cops showed up everyone ran, including the people who didn’t do anything. So the cops just started putting everyone on the ground and in handcuffs for no reason. This kind of force is uncalled for especially on children and innocent bystanders.

-EDIT- : To some people saying that the cop pulled out his taser on the kid, it was not a taser, it was a gun.

From Kim Bellware in the USA:

Cop Suspended After Video Emerges Of Brutal Arrests At Teen Pool Party

06/07/2015 5:59 pm EDT

A Texas police officer has been suspended pending the outcome of an investigation after video surfaced showing one cop pulling a gun on a crowd of teens at a pool party while others handcuffed teenage partygoers.

Police on Friday evening were called to the Craig Ranch North Community Pool in McKinney, roughly 40 miles north of Dallas. McKinney police said in a statement they were responding to a disturbance “involving multiple juveniles at the location, who do not live in the area or have permission to be there, refusing to leave,” and that some of them were fighting.

A roughly 7-minute clip of the incident was published on YouTube Saturday and shows officers running after teens, with one aggressively handcuffing a black male teen while pinning a black girl to the ground by her head as she cried for her mother.

Texas police violence

The officer was identified as patrol supervisor Cpl. Eric Casebolt.

“There was a fight, the cops showed up and started putting people on the ground for no reason,” Brandon Brooks, who shot the YouTube video, told The Huffington Post in a message.

A group of teens were at the pool for an end-of-school party, Miles Jai Thomas, one of the teens who attended, told HuffPost. Then a security guard showed up and put out all the black teenagers, Thomas said.

“He started making up rules to keep us out,” he said.

Before officers arrived on the scene, a white woman had started making racist comments, telling black partygoers to get used to the bars outside the pool because that’s all they were going to see. When one of the white teens at the party talked back to the adult, the woman began cursing and yelling at her as well, Thomas said.

Teens at the pool party told BuzzFeed News the police were called after a fight broke out. Some adults made racist comments and told the teens to return to “Section 8 [public] housing,” BuzzFeed reported.

“I think a bunch of white parents were angry that a bunch of black kids who don’t live in the neighborhood were in the pool,” Brooks said.

In the video, some partygoers are seen sitting in the grass and pleading “sir, we just came here for a birthday party, please.” Another officer is heard thanking a group of teens for returning a flashlight the officer dropped.

On Sunday, the department issued a statement saying the video “raised concerns” and that an officer has been suspended.

The police department held a press conference Sunday afternoon to announce the investigation. Some residents attended the event to speak out against what they say is inequality in their town.

“Why the police who yelled at the kids to go home — how did they know those kids didn’t live there?” asked Lashadion Anthony, a barber and realtor in McKinney who attended with his son, a toddler.

“We live here, we pay taxes, we’re law-abiding citizens. Why should be treated differently than anyone else?” he said.

“They didn’t stop any of the people who aren’t of African-American descent,” Anthony added, saying that police “have to be able to handle people in a better manner than this.”

“We’re just asking for justice,” he said, noting that when his son is older, he should be able to visit public pools without fear of prejudice.

Neither the McKinney Police Department nor management at the Craig Ranch Community Association responded to requests for comment.

This post has been updated to reflect the police press conference and comments from McKinney residents and identify the suspended officer.

Teen Speaks Out About What Happened When Cops Broke Up A Texas Pool Party: here.

MCKINNEY POLICE OFFICER RESIGNS AFTER POOL PARTY INCIDENT Greg Conley, the police chief of the McKinney police force, announced Eric Casebolt’s resignation following the officer’s drawing of a gun on teenagers at a pool party. “Conley strongly condemned Casebolt’s actions during the incident and said that the officer, who had been with the department since 2005, was ‘out of control.'” [Sam Levine, HuffPost]

911 caller in Texas pool party incident was convicted of torturing animals. Sean Toon, who called police to complain about group of black teenagers trying to enter a party on Friday, was jailed for violent behaviour and animal torture: here.

On Friday, June 5, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and their ostensible watchdog, the LAPD’s Inspector General, have both determined that the two cops who shot and killed Ezell Ford, an unarmed, mentally ill black youth, last August were justified: here.

Michael Slager, Cop Who Fatally Shot Walter Scott In South Carolina, Indicted For Murder: here.

17 thoughts on “Texas police violence against teenagers for swimming

  1. by James Tweedie

    US POLICE accounts of last week’s shooting of a black Muslim terror suspect have been called into question by a surveillance video.

    Usaama Rahim’s family insisted the video, released by authorities on Monday, did not show the security guard brandishing a knife and approaching officers aggressively, as police had claimed.

    The relatives asked whether it was appropriate for police to approach Mr Rahim in a “military-like formation” without a warrant.

    The revelations emerged as hundreds of people protested on Monday in the Texas town of McKinney, where a black teenage girl was subjected to police brutality.

    The demonstrators marched to the swimming pool where white officer Eric Casebolt pinned 15-year-old Dajerria Becton to the ground with his knees and threatened other young people with his gun.

    Dajerria said: “He grabbed me, twisted my arm on my back and shoved me in the grass and started pulling the back of my braids.

    “I don’t think he should have pulled a gun out on 15-year-old kids.”

    Brandon Brooks, whose video of the incident has circulated on social media websites, said that tensions rose after a white woman told one teenager “to go back to section eight housing,” a reference to government aid for low-income families.

    Alisa Simmons, president of the Arlington, Texas, branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People, said: “The fundamental problem is the expectation that many officers have when they look at young African Americans. They expect them to be more violent, more dangerous than any other race and they expect them to engage in criminal behaviour.”



  2. Notes on police violence in America
    Protests follow police terrorizing of teens at Texas pool party
    By Tom Hall
    10 June 2015

    Hundreds of people demonstrated in McKinney, Texas on Monday to denounce the terrorizing of teens at a pool party late last week. Protesters demanded that the officer involved be fired and charged with assault.

    McKinney police announced over the weekend that police corporal Eric Casebolt has been placed on administrative leave after a bystander video surfaced on YouTube of Casebolt attacking a group of high school students at the party in a well-to-do subdivision Friday afternoon.

    Residents at the Craig Ranch subdivision, about 40 miles north of Dallas, called the police on the party, which was held at the community’s pool, apparently violating its strict two-guest policy, although most of the teens were from the area. Partygoers claim the call to police was racially motivated.

    “[A white woman] was saying racial slurs to some friends that came to the cookout,” Tatiana Rhodes, the black teenager who hosted the party said. “She was saying such things as ‘black effer’ and ‘that’s why you live in Section 8 homes.’” The teen said that she was later attacked by the woman and one of her friends. A video uploaded to Twitter shows a physical altercation between a black teen and two older white women.

    McKinney Police dispatched twelve officers, including Casebolt, to clear out the party. In the seven-minute-long video, Casebolt runs frantically around the scene, shouting, cursing, pushing teenagers to the ground and chasing others down with his baton. At one point in the video Casebolt pulls his gun and advances on a group of clearly unarmed teenagers rushing to the aid of a girl whom he had just pinned to the ground (while shouting “on your face!”) for no discernible reason. Though the crowd was of mixed racial composition, Casebolt appeared to be singling out black teenagers for rough treatment.

    McKinney Mayor Brian Loughmiller made a show of remorse in a written statement, declaring “I am disturbed and concerned by the incident and actions depicted in the video.” …

    “He told me to walk away and I did. Next thing I know I’m on the ground,” Dajerria Becton, the girl who was pinned to the ground in the video, told a local TV station. “Him getting fired isn’t enough.”



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