Racism in British UKIP party

This video from England says about itself:

21 February 2015

Watch Ukip councillor’s vile racist rant that lead to her sacking.

Rozanne Duncan’s rant filmed by a fly-on-the-wall documentary, to be screened on BBC2, she says she doesn’t like “negroes” because of how they look.

From daily The Independent in Britain:

General Election 2015: Farage praises his activists as BBC airs racist slurs

The leader is among friends in Thanet, but a recently excluded member’s remarks still echo

Jonathan Owen

Sunday 22 February 2015

The prejudice widely perceived to be at the heart of Ukip is laid bare in a new documentary that reveals how support in Thanet, where the party’s leader, Nigel Farage, is seeking election as an MP, is riddled with racism.

Yet in Meet the Ukippers, on BBC2 tonight, Mr Farage praises the activists – including a former National Front supporter – as his kind of people. In the film, Mr Farage says: “What I notice about the people in Ukip Thanet is that there is a real passion and determination to get this job done well. I couldn’t have a team anywhere in England who I feel more comfortable with than these people.”

During the documentary, Mr Farage blames the “hatred of the tabloid press” for the perception that Ukip is a racist party.

Martyn Heale, the local party chairman, boasts that Mr Farage is happy to stand “shoulder to shoulder” with him despite his past as a National Front supporter and says that Ukip declined his offer to resign over his far right past. …

Rozanne Duncan, the former Ukip district councillor, speaks on camera about her dislike of black people. “The only people that I do have problems with are negros and I don’t know why … but I really do have a problem with people with negroid features, I really do.

“A friend of mine said what would you do if I invited you to dinner and I put you next to [one], I said I wouldn’t be there, it’s as simple as that, I said I wouldn’t be there.”

Ms Duncan recalls how she tried to block black people from getting supported accommodation in the 1980s. When asked if there was any particular group of people she wouldn’t consider, she said: “Yes, negros.”

When asked what she meant, she explained: “Black skin, black curly hair, wide nostrils, shiny skin, that’s what I mean.”

After those remarks, Liz Langton-Way, the local party press officer, commented: “She has been told time and time again to keep her bloody mouth shut and I thought that by now the message would have got through.” The incident “made me think do I really want to be involved with these people because that was not what I was interested in.”

Mrs Langton-Way and her husband James, who had been due to stand as a local election candidate, have since resigned from the party.

Ms Duncan was expelled by the party for her remarks, but remains unrepentant. She says now feels “betrayed”: “There are other people who have said far worse things, far more derogatory – chinky, poofter – and they haven’t been expelled.”

See also here.

Half of Ukip voters say they are prejudiced against people of other races: here.

PRIME Minister David Cameron came under renewed pressure to rule out a deal with Nigel Farage yesterday after a Ukip MEP compared SNP minister Humza Yousaf to terrorist Abu Hamza: here.

Ukip faces crisis after suspensions and racism claims. Within 24 hours party suspends Janice Atkinson and Stephen Howd, while Jonathan Stanley stands down complaining of culture of bullying and racism: here.

LABOUR defector Harriet Yeo, who defected to Ukip in February, once compared her new party to the nazis: here.

Ukip’s energy spokesman ‘an idiot’ after urging people to turn all their lights on for Earth Hour: here.

THE trial of a former Ukip MEP accused of fraudulently claiming tens of thousands of pounds in parliamentary assistance allowance begins today. Ashley Mote denies a string of fraud-related offences including forgery and obtaining a money transfer by deception. Prosecutors expect the case to last four weeks: here.

14 thoughts on “Racism in British UKIP party

  1. Pingback: French Holocaust survivor speaks out against neo-fascism | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  3. Pingback: Racism in United States Army causes soldier’s suicide | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. POLICE are said to have launched an investigation into allegations that Ukip MEP Janice Atkinson has fiddled her European Parliament expenses.

    Ukip supremo Nigel Farage is obviously embarrassed and has suspended Atkinson as a candidate in May’s general election.

    Some anti-Ukip campaigners are cock-a-hoop, pointing to other kippers who have misused their EU gravy train expenses, but a little caution is advisable.

    Neither Jack Straw nor Malcolm Rifkind, who were exposed touting themselves for business at £5,000 a day, are Ukip members.

    The same goes for the dozens upon dozens of MPs who fiddled their House of Commons expenses and, in the main, got away with simply returning what they had overclaimed.

    There are enough political reasons to oppose Ukip on the basis of its fanatically neoliberal and anti-people economic approach.

    Too many political and corporate leaders have taken it as their right in recent decades to plunder the public purse.

    To pretend that members of Ukip are more inclined than others to do so is shabby opportunism that avoids tackling equally all cases of personal dishonesty in public life.



  5. UKIP’s barmy army plan

    ECONOMIC spokesperson Patrick O’Flynn unveiled Ukip’s economic priority yesterday by pledging to maintain military spending at a minimum of 2 per cent of national income to make Britain “a credible international country”.

    Of course, nothing makes a country “credible” so much as a commitment to lash out scarce funds on preparations for war.

    O’Flynn says that this expenditure could be “comfortably met” by slashing foreign aid, scrapping the HS2 rail link and reducing public funding for Scotland.

    So that means giving up on winning an seats in Scotland, refusing to modernise the economy through faster transport links and turning our backs on the world’s poor.

    For anyone who supports compassion, co-operation and investment for jobs and development, the Ukip line is the road to nowhere.



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