Margaret Thatcher’s cover-up of Establishment child porn case

A section of the previously secret file on Sir Peter Hayman

From daily The Independent in Britain:

Thatcher stopped officials publicly naming Sir Peter Hayman as suspected paedophile

Tuesday 03 February 2015

MP Geoffrey Dickens accused Sir Peter of being a paedophile in Parliament

Kashmira Gander

Margaret Thatcher told officials not to publicly name a senior diplomat connected to a paedophile scandal despite being fully briefed on allegations made against him, a newly revealed secret file has shown.

The file was prepared for the late Conservative Prime Minister in the early Eighties, and details allegations of “unnatural“ sexual activity by Sir Peter Hayman in 1966, when he returned from West Berlin to the Foreign Office. It also notified Mrs Thatcher that the senior diplomat had been subject to a police investigation, after a parcel containing “obscene materials” was found on a London bus in 1978.

Pornographic materials and personal diaries were also found at his London flat, but Sir Peter was not prosecuted following an investigation into his activities.

The diplomat, who died in 1992, was accused of being a paedophile by MP Geoffrey Dickens under the cloak of parliamentary privilege in 1983, before the file was prepared for the then Prime Minister.

Compiled between October 1980 and March 1981, the 37-page file is now available for public view, and features Mrs Thatcher’s handwritten annotations and notes.

Sir Peter Hayman was investigated over his connections to the Paedophile Information Exchange (Getty Images)

Sky News reported that the filed existed last month, prompting the Cabinet Office to announce on Friday it would be released to the National Archives.

The revelations come as Home Secretary Theresa May announced she would be launching an inquiry into historical child abuse, during which Sir Peter’s activities will be investigated.

Confirming the decision to release it, a Cabinet Office spokesman said last week: “This file was originally kept closed as it contained information from the security services and advice from the law officers. We have reviewed that decision and have now released the file into the National Archives.”

10 thoughts on “Margaret Thatcher’s cover-up of Establishment child porn case

  1. Since this report says he was investigated for child abuse and nothing was found other than his relations with consenting adults, I fail to see how Margaret Thatcher can be accused of a cover-up in this case.
    I’m not however suggesting she never covered child abuse up, just not in this case. As other records come to light in relation to Jimmy Saville and others maybe we’ll find it easy enough to blacken her name.


    • The report says it did not find evidence of Sir Peter Hayman himself abusing children; but it did find evidence of his Paedophile Information Exchange membership, of fantasies of sex with children; and of exchange of child porn. See

      Child porn, certainly at that time, when computer generated ‘virtual child porn’ did not exist yet, is/was made by child abuse. So, even if a child porn consumer/exchanger himself does not abuse children, then he helps, more indirectly, to create a market for an industry in which children are abused.

      Theresa May, as the Independent article says, has announced there will be more investigation of Sir Peter’s activities. The mysterious disappearance of the files which the late Conservative MP Geoffrey Dickens gave to the government won’t help this inquiry.

      You are right that the title of the blog post is an exaggeration; I am changing it.

      As in this case, as far as we know now, Margaret Thatcher did not cover up child abuse, but covered up a child porn case.

      Why? To prevent negative puiblicity, or any kind of publicity, about MI6, of which Sir Peter Hayman was deputy director?

      “Lord Tebbit, who served in a series of ministerial posts under Margaret Thatcher, said the instinct of people at the time was to protect “the system” and not to delve too deeply into uncomfortable allegations.”

      British governmental child abuse inquiry or cover-up?


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