Baby red-tailed hawks hatching on webcam

This video is called “Born Free” A Red-Tailed Hawk Chick.

From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in the USA:

Hawk Hatch Has Begun!

We’re excited to share the news with you that the first egg in the 2014 Cornell hawks nest has begun pipping! Earlier today a small hole was seen forming and there is a high likelihood of seeing a new downy nestling enter the world over the next 24 hours. “Pipping” refers to the process of the chick initially breaking through the shell, using a hard projection on its bill called the egg tooth. The resulting hole is the “pip” that the chick then enlarges to finish hatching. This year’s pip follows 38 days of stalwart incubation by Big Red and Ezra in often windy, rainy, and snowy conditions.

Don’t miss your chance to see the young hawk emerge and share your excitement with the cams community at

As if hatching hawks aren’t enough to keep you busy, be sure to also check out the Wild Birds Unlimited Barred Owl cam where three eager owlets continue to grow at a breakneck pace thanks to prey delivered by the two adults.

We’ll notify the winner of the Guess-the-Hatch Contest in the coming week and continue to post updates on the Bird Cams Facebook page and on Twitter at @birdcams. Thank you for watching!

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16 thoughts on “Baby red-tailed hawks hatching on webcam

  1. Pingback: Red-tailed hawks’ nest update from Cornell, USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  4. Pingback: Cornell red-tailed hawks about to hatch | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  9. Pingback: Female red-tailed hawk on Cornell, USA nest | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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