Female red-tailed hawk on Cornell, USA nest

This video from the USA is called Big Red on “Fernow” nest, Cornell Hawks, 23 Feb, 2016.

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology writes about this red-tailed hawk couple:

Over the last couple weeks, Big Red and Ezra have been putting on an exhibition for local birders-on-the-ground. Twigs have been brought to both of the nests that they have previously used during 2012-2015 (watch highlight), and it’s anyone’s guess which site will be their final choice. If they keep to the same schedule as in past years, we can expect them to settle in and start laying eggs in mid-March, so there’s still a few weeks for them to choose. We’ll continue posting updates on the Cornell Hawks Twitter feed and on our Bird Cams Facebook page—stay tuned!

1 thought on “Female red-tailed hawk on Cornell, USA nest

  1. Pingback: Red-tailed hawks, barn owls hatching on webcams | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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