Belgian priest convicted for abusing niece

This video is called Global Response to Priest Sex Abuse.

Translated from Dutch daily Leidsch Dagblad:

Priest convicted for abusing his niece

Published February 6, 2014 18:46 | Last Updated February 6, 2014 18:59

BRUSSELS – This Thursday, a 69-year-old Belgian priest was convicted to a two years suspended prison sentence for sexual abuse of his minor niece. The court in Tongeren in Limburg province in Belgium decided that he must seek treatment for his sexual problems; that for 10 years, he loses his right to vote; and he must pay 3,000 euros in damages.

The man abused the physically disabled daughter of his sister in the period 1993-1999 various times. When he abused her for the first time, his god-daughter was 11 years old. The priest went every week to his sister’s and enjoyed great prestige within the family. According to the judge, the priest in a gross way ​abused the trust which the family had in him.

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9 thoughts on “Belgian priest convicted for abusing niece

  1. Reblogged this on Thinking Out Loud and commented:
    The sentence :- This Thursday, a 69-year-old Belgian priest was convicted to a two years suspended prison sentence for sexual abuse of his minor niece. The court in Tongeren in Limburg province in Belgium decided that he must seek treatment for his sexual problems; that for 10 years, he loses his right to vote; and he must pay 3,000 euros in damages.
    That’ll learn em…..


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