Japanese anti-police state protest

This video is called Japan To Debate Government Secrets Law Aimed At Whistleblowers.

From Melanie’s Japan Safety blog:

November 24, 2013

”Thousands of people protested in Tokyo against a bill that would see whistleblowing civil servants jailed for up to 10 years. Activists claim the law would help the government to cover up scandals, and damage the country’s constitution and democracy.

A 3,000-seat outdoor theater in a park in downtown Tokyo, near the parliament, was not enough to contain everyone who came on Thursday to denounce government plans to considerably broaden the definition of classified information.

For more photos of the Tokyo protests, see RT’s Gallery.

According to organizers’ estimates, about 10,000 people crowded shoulder-to-shoulder in the aisles of the theater and outside of it, holding banners that read: “Don’t take away our freedom.”

The adoption of the law, proposed by the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, would enable the authorities to put civil servants responsible for information leaks behind bars for up to 10 years.

This would seriously threaten the freedom of the press, as Japanese media would face serious problems gathering information on burning issues, because state employees would be reluctant to share information for fear of prosecution.

That’s why a group of Japanese journalists gathered at the Nagatacho District, close to the country’s parliament, to protest the proposed bill.

Currently, long prison terms for whistleblowers only apply to those Japanese citizens who leak classified data that came from the US military.

“The definition of what will be designated as secrets is not clear, and bureaucrats will make secrets extremely arbitrarily,” TV journalist Soichiro Tahara told Japan Daily Press.

Protesting journalists have submitted a petition to the Cabinet Office, calling for the bill to be scrapped.

The proposed law is conceived in such broad terms it allows wide interpretation and could be used for many purposes, for example such as hiding information about the situation at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant.

The bill could be adopted as soon as next week, because the ruling Liberal Democrat Party has a majority in both houses of the Japanese parliament.

“If this law comes to pass, our constitution is nothing more than a scrap of paper,” Reuters reported Yasunari Fujimoto, an activist with the Peace Forum NGO, as saying. “Without the right to know, democracy cannot exist.”

Many Japanese have been suspicious of the legislation, since it reminds them of the tough military secrecy laws that existed before World War II, when Japan’s hardline militarist government was engaged on an expansionist policy throughout Asia, until its defeat in 1945.

PM Shinzo Abe says that the new legislature is extremely important to secure cooperation with Japan’s major ally, the US, as well as other countries.

The data security bill resembles laws targeting whistleblowers in the US, and Abe is considering setting up an American-style National Security Council, too, Reuters reports.

The protesters do not support Abe’s eagerness to copy repressive foreign laws.

“We have a right to know everything,” said Akio Hirose, a 54-year-old transport worker, adding that the proposed law is “absolutely unacceptable.”“

Japan’s new secrets bill threatens to muzzle the press and whistleblowers — The Daily Beast: here.

9 thoughts on “Japanese anti-police state protest

  1. Pingback: Spanish government attacks free speech | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  5. The article reveals the covert operations of government, the government requires all citizens to be seen as a potential threat to State security and reveal all intimate details of citizens regardless as to whether they are in any way guilty of any crime, the governments throughout the world having covert agreements on a government level, to avoid scrutiny at all costs not to let the public know what is going on with their hidden agenda, the governments throughout the world can only be seen as the main threat against the individuals freedom, the dangers that are hidden from the public, here I say Japan, is that the tsunami, showed not enough work and research had been done by the authorities, as to the walls not being high enough to stop the wave, this is a example of authority having breached its obligations to protect its citizens, we must presume this to be a attempt in saving money, risking and endangering lives, property and the culture of a country that should know better, and has failed in its duty, and now requires draconian laws to persecute those who dare to speak the truth.


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