Iranian cheetahs need more space

This 2019 video is called Cheetahs – High-speed hunters of the savannah.

From Wildlife Extra:

Iranian cheetahs need large and secure reserves to ensure their survival

Study reveals that cheetahs struggle to survive in small and fragmented reserves

August 2013. According to a recent investigation, Asiatic cheetahs that have the largest ranges normally live longer than cheetahs with restricted ranges.

Analysis of more than 100 cheetah individuals recorded during past decade in Iran indicates that a reserves’ size and integrity can contribute to better survival rates of the critically endangered Asiatic cheetahs in Iran.

Kavir, Turan and Naybandan are the most important large sites for the cheetahs in the country. However, in contrast, cheetahs occurring within smaller areas have been recorded on camera traps for shorter periods, normally less than two years. The maximum known presence of a cheetah in smaller areas is around three years.

Cover large distances

The Asiatic cheetahs are known to walk long distances and cover large areas in search for food, safety and a mate. Accordingly, the smaller their habitat, the greater the necessity that they will be forced outside of protected areas, thus encountering people and roads. And whilst smaller reserves have a significantly better law enforcement, the cheetahs are often do not make it back inside the security of the reserve.

Jointly conducted by Conservation of Asiatic Cheetah project (CACP) and the Iranian Cheetah Society (ICS), the research reveals high importance of large and intact areas for securing longer survival of the cheetahs in Iran. Moreover, a network of smaller reserves which are inter-connected can be crucial to help save the cheetahs‘ lives.

September 2013. A new research study has revealed that the cheetah, the world’s fastest land animal, matches and may even anticipate the escape tactics of different prey when hunting, rather than just relying on its speed and agility, as previously thought: here.

13 thoughts on “Iranian cheetahs need more space

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