World Lion Day 2013

Marina Kanavaki


Please visit WORLD LION DAY 2013 for more information

[click on images to visit campaign page]
WORLD LION DAY 2013 Picture 019
excerpt from World Lion Day 2013 Campaign page

Guarding our temples, adorning our flags, decorating our coins and capturing our hearts, the lion is beyond doubt the world’s most iconic species.  On almost every continent, and in thousands of cultures, the lion can be found demonstrating man’s fascination with this magnificent beast.

Despite the lions’ symbolic importance throughout the ages, today they are suffering from a silent extinction across Africa and India.  Knowledge of the King of Beasts’ plight is little known.

World Lion Day is the first global campaign to celebrate the importance of the lion worldwide. Since the dawn of man the lion has played an integral role in our lives: symbolically, religiously, culturally, economically and biologically. To lose the lion from our world would be to…

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6 thoughts on “World Lion Day 2013

  1. Pingback: World Lion Day in Namibia | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  3. Pingback: Cecil and other lions, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: World Lion Day today | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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