‘Fukushima disaster makes US soldiers ill’

This music video is the Japanese punk rock band Scrap, playing their song Fuck TEPCO; with English subtitles.

From Japan Safety: Nuclear Energy Updates blog:

Responders to Japanese disaster sue company — Stars and Stripes

July 18, 2013 by Melanie

I was not able to access the Stars and Stripes

United States armed forces paper

website to read this article, but I downloaded a pdf version for your access. I highly recommend you read it.


– Five months after participating in humanitarian operations for the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami that led to nuclear disaster in Japan, Petty Officer 3rd Class Daniel Hair’s body began to betray him.

He had sharp hip pains, constant scabbing in his nose, back pain, memory loss, severe anxiety and a constant high-pitch ringing in his ears as his immune system began to attack his body. The diagnosis, he said, was a genetic immune system disease, which on X-rays looked to have made his hip joint jagged and his spine arthritic. He was put on a host of medications and eventually separated from the Navy job he loved.

Hair believes radiation is the cause. He is among 50 sailors and Marines in a growing lawsuit against Tokyo Electric Power Co., alleging that Japan’s nationalized utility mishandled the meltdown at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant that spewed radiation into the air and water.

Other servicemembers have been diagnosed with leukemia, testicular cancer and thyroid problems or experienced rectal and gynecological bleeding, the lawsuit says. Hair said one of his friends, a fellow USS Ronald Reagan shipmate, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. … “

Steam Detected at Damaged Fukushima Reactor: here.

Also from Japan Safety: Nuclear Energy Updates blog:

Starting July 9, 2013, Kyoto city residents received a booklet in the mail titled “The Kyoto City Government’s Protection Plan for Nuclear Disasters.” It was published by the Kyoto city government. The booklet explains, for the first time, how citizens should attempt to protect themselves in the event that the recently restarted O(h)i nuclear reactors experience an accident resulting in a major release of radioactivity.

The publication of this booklet shows that the Kyoto city government is finally taking this possibility seriously. On the other hand, it also shows that such an accident is a real possibility in Kyoto given that the two O(h)i reactors are located near an earthquake fault line.

Fukushima fruit: here.

Around 2,000 Fukushima workers at risk of thyroid cancer due to radiation: TEPCO — Huffington Post: here.

Japanese Nuclear Plant May Have Been Leaking for Two Years: here.

9 thoughts on “‘Fukushima disaster makes US soldiers ill’

  1. Pingback: Japanese punk rock against TEPCO | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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