Thank You Award, thanks Shaun and Tazein!

Thank You Award

Shaun of the Looking for reasoning to a complicated world blog, and Tazein of transcendingbordersblog have been so kind to nominate Dear Kitty. Some blog for the Thank You Award.

Thank you both for this kind gesture!

The rules of this award are:

1. As usually a big thank you and a link back to the person who nominated you.

2. Mention 5 things you would like to do with your life, no matter how mad or tame.

3. Nominate six bloggers, link to them and say why they have left their mark on you. Hence the name “The Thank You Award”.

4. Let them know.


Five things I would like to do:

1. Go to Svalbard and see birds there.

2. Read my poems; as will probably happen again soon.

3. See the Antarctic again.

4. Stop all wars in the world.

5. Stop all wildlife species from becoming extinct.

My six nominees are:

1. Arlen Shahverdyan. He gave me the idea to have a gravatar picture; which became the red-billed firefinch.

2. Cristian Mihai, who showed me the possibilities of Zemanta in a WordPress blog.

3. Jean of the MoonLightened Way blog. She nominated me for my first award ever at WordPress.

4. dou ♥ dou for giving me the first “like” since my blog moved to WordPress.

5. Live simply, travel lightly, love passionately & don’t forget to breathe by Elena Levon. This blog inspired me to write more about my travels.

6. PhotoBotos, for showing me possibilities for photos in a WordPress blog.

Thank you, not just those six bloggers, but everyone on WordPress!

20 thoughts on “Thank You Award, thanks Shaun and Tazein!

  1. My dear friend. Thank you so much for the award! Thank you also for the mentioning about the gravatar! I deeply appreciate all you do! Great work!! Congrats on the award! I am going to add it to my awards with GREAT PLEASURE!!



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