National garden bird count, rare birds

This is a video from England about a kingfisher.

This blog has mentioned the national garden bird count in the Netherlands before, especially the top ten species results.

Besides them, also rarer bird were counted that weekend of 18-19 January.

Translated from Birdlife in the Netherlands:

So, no less than 665 sparrowhawks were counted and over 50 goshawks; the goshawk is increasingly seen in cities. Also, owls, kingfishers and black woodpeckers were observed. The number of hawfinches this year was particularly high: 433, against 95 in 2012. Also 108 waxwings were counted, this species was almost absent in 2012.

19 thoughts on “National garden bird count, rare birds

  1. What a great looking bird. Occasionally we see belted kingfishers over where we live though we like the colors on yours better.


        • No, I don’t think so. Maybe some tree sparrows (not common in much of the Netherlands) were mistaken for house sparrows; and maybe a few dunnocks; but that probably happened the other way round too.

          House sparrows usually are in big groups. So, though they only were present in about half the gardens (less than the presence of great tits and blackbirds), their overall numbers still were biggest.


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