Big bird migration in Sweden

This video from Sweden is called Blue tits at Nabben, Falsterbo 2012-09-30 (Total count of 21 660 migrating this day).

Translated from the Dutch SOVON ornithologists, about the Falsterbo bird migration this autumn:

October 5, 2012

There [in Falsterbo] in recent days insane numbers of blue tits have passed through: on 30 September and the first three days of October there were 21,660, 87,400, 21,300 and 45,500 respectively. The birds flew almost into the counters’ hair. … According to ringing reports it seems that few Swedish blue tits reach our country, but maybe this time with these numbers that will change?

Absolutely huge numbers of chaffinches are crossing the sea at Sweden’s southernmost point. In six days, there were more than one million, with a maximum of 380,200 on October 3. Apart from the large numbers, this is also relatively early migration.

Dutch raptor migration: here.

12 thoughts on “Big bird migration in Sweden

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