New website on African-Eurasian migratory birds

This video from Sweden is called Bird migration at Falsterbo 2005.

From BirdLife:

WOW! New website helps flyway project take off…


The Wings Over Wetlands (WOW) Project has launched its new website. The pages give an insight into the largest international wetland and waterbird conservation initiative ever to take place in the African-Eurasian region.

WOW is fostering international collaboration along the African-Eurasian flyways, building capacity and demonstrating best practice in the conservation and wise-use of wetlands.

“Waterbird migrations are presently underway across much of Europe, as birds head back from Africa to their northern breeding grounds. The WOW project is helping to safeguard this amazing sight for future generations to enjoy”, said Dr Leon Bennun, Director of Science, Policy and Information at BirdLife International.

1 thought on “New website on African-Eurasian migratory birds

  1. Pingback: Big bird migration in Sweden | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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