Blue tits, great tits

This video is called Blue Tit Singing.

This morning, a juvenile blue tit sitting on the fence between the balcony and the neighbours’ balcony.

Every now and then, its parent would fly to the house-shaped bird feeder, get some food, and fly to the youngster to feed it; like yesterday.

Apparently, the young blue tits are not good enough at flying yet to land themselves on the wobbly feeder.

Some great tits visited the balcony this morning as well.

UPDATE: the great tits now feed fledglings on the balcony as well.

A male blackbird managed again to land on and feed at the feeder. That would have been impossible if he would have been just a bit heavier.

7 thoughts on “Blue tits, great tits

    • Indeed dou dou. I hope they will grow up well. Yesterday, a parent blue tit made an alarm sound, as there was a cat. Fortunately, about ten meter below the blue tits’ balcony.


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