Hurricane Isaac blows Romney away

Hurricane Isaac and Republican convention

From the Christian Science Monitor in the USA:

Hurricane Isaac delays start of Republican National Convention in Tampa

As in 2008, Republicans scramble to adjust speaking and travel schedules to cope with the hurricane. The vote to formally nominate Mitt Romney shifts to Tuesday – for now. Stay tuned.

I hope (very much against hope) that this delay will cause the Republican party bureaucrats to think again about the undemocratic nature of this convention.

It is undemocratic on the outside; as the local police of Tampa have already threatened to jail people for expressing dissent outside the convention hall.

It is undemocratic on the inside; as those Republican delegates who want to vote for Ron Paul or other candidates other than Romney will not get the right to speak at the convention.

So, more a monarchical “coronation” than a really “republican” event. How would be eighteenth century American revolutionaries who fought the British monarchy think about this?

Day one of the Republican National Convention in Tampa Bay, Florida, has been essentially called off due to Tropical Storm Isaac. The city’s police department received $50 million from Congress ahead of the convention, purchasing armored vehicles and high-tech surveillance cameras equipped with behavioral recognition software: here.

Two attendees at the Republican National Convention were thrown out of the convention center in Tampa on Tuesday after throwing nuts at a black CNN camerawoman and saying, “this is how we feed the animals”: here.

From Voice of Freedom Park, Tampa, Florida: Interview With Food Not Bombs Activist Nathan Pim: here.

12 thoughts on “Hurricane Isaac blows Romney away

  1. If you have the stomach for it, there will be quite a spectacle on display in Tampa Bay starting this week. The Republican Party, fresh off a week-long public debate about whether rape is real or just a tricky dodge women use to obtain a legal abortion, will coronate Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as their standard-bearers for the 2012 presidential election. The lies will be thick, the gibberish will be constant, and if history is any guide, the hats will be simply preposterous.

    Before the echo from the explosion of nonsense in Tampa Bay fades, the Democrats will put on their own show in Charlotte to renominate President Obama and Vice President Biden. I wouldn’t spend a lot of time looking for the Hope/Change theme this time around, however. In its place will be a high-test theatrical presentation of this year’s Democratic campaign theme: “We’re Not The Other Guys!”

    Part of our job at Truthout is to wade through crap like this for you, but make no mistake: coverage is not endorsement. Both parties are snuggled deep in the pockets of very rich people you will never meet. The war in Afghanistan grinds on. Privacy and civil liberties are treated like bad jokes best forgotten. Half-measures and semi-solutions to the problems that face every American are all we see from these people, and that’s on a good day. No matter who wins in November, those problems will still be here, growing and festering and threatening to subsume us.


  2. WOW! You sure have it in for the Republican party. Do you honestly believe that Obama whose best skill is “rhetoric” and nothing more will do more for the country than Romney? Just look at all the things that Obama has promised and failed to deliver. This post is close to “hateful” which is supposed to be the antithesis of Liberalism. Sorry to be so blunt but that is the way I see it. Love, Wally


  3. If people other than Americans were voting- or maybe I mean people like me!, I don’t think they’d vote for either candidate. I say bring back Adlai Stevenson – the best candidate who never got there!!!!


  4. Around these parts a “wally” is defined as ‘a stupid, inept or despised person, generally a fool.’ I’m amazed anyone would admit to that, but I suppose it takes all sorts…


  5. Pingback: Hurricane Isaac theatens Louisiana | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  6. Pingback: Romney’s far right speech on economics | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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