Obama and Guantánamo, then and now

This video says about itself:

What Obama said and what he did about Guantánamo and US torture policies

Obama made a highlight of his campaign for the presidency in 2008 that if elected one of his first acts would be to close the Guantánamo prison camp. When he took office in January 2009, one of his first executive orders committed his administration to closing Guantánamo by January 2010. Was what happened “change you can believe in”?

Includes excerpt from Jeremy Scahill interview on Democracy Now. See the full interview here: http://bit.ly/128VAH

The thousands of pages of documents on US prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, released by WikiLeaks Sunday night, demonstrate the lawless character of the US government, both under George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Kidnapping, torture, illegal imprisonment, subornation of perjury, defiance of international law—these are only a few of the crimes of which the top officials of the US government are demonstrably guilty: here.

Guantanamo WikiLeaks Video & Doc: Canadian Omar Khadr – Youngest Prisoner: here.

Canada’s Conservative government is continuing the decade-long vendetta Canadian and U.S. authorities have mounted against Omar Khadr, the “child soldier” who has been detained at Guantanamo Bay for the past decade: here.

The Hidden Horrors of WikiLeaks Guantánamo Files: here.

Guantanamo’s Child Soldiers: Files Reveal Many Inmates Were Minors: here.

Gitmo Doctors Hid Evidence of Torture: here.

US Department of Defence doctors concealed evidence of torture at Guantanamo Bay: here.

The WikiLeaks dossiers add weight to the demand for the prosecution of senior members of the Howard government for their collaboration with the illegal imprisonment and torture of Australian citizens: here.

Belgium: secret Guantanamo file released: here.

Carwin Biloquist, WikiLeaks Central: “What is particularly unique about the documents from the latest Wikileaks’ release? Jason Leopold: These documents are unique because they actually confirm long held suspicions about the use of informants … the fact that many of the detainees … in fact the majority of the detainees … were simply innocent individuals, who were sold to the US for bounty. They also confirm that the US military, frankly, was … they really had no idea what they were doing. I think that they were making it up as they went along”: here.

Pentagon Overreaches on WikiLeaks’ Bradley Manning: here.