Kuwait dictatorship persecutes LGBTQ teenagers

This video is called Censorship hits Kuwait’s Music Scene – BBC Report.

From Bikya Masr:

Kuwait morality police arrest LGBT teenagers

10 June 2012

CAIRO: Kuwait’s morality police have reportedly arrested at least 10 LGBT teenagers in the country for “satanic rituals” under a crackdown in the name of “morality.”

Security sources in the country have said that the LGBT youth were targeted under “vice” claims.

PinkNews.co.uk reported that the 10 teenagers between the ages of 16- and 18-years-old were arrested on June 8 after police alleged the rituals and “indecent acts” taking place.

The Kuwaiti daily al-Rai in addition claimed that they are also “suspected of homosexuality.”

Kuwaiti police “received complaints” the group held nightly meetings in a disused building in Al-Sharq district of Kuwait city, the report said.

Brigadier General Hossein Shirazi referred the matter to the Criminal Investigation Department of Kuwait.

Al-Rai has also reported that 20 men and one woman were arrested in the areas of Salamiya and Hawalli of Kuwait city for “suspicious parties.”

The al-Anba daily claimed the number of people arrested was 27 in several suspect apartments where they usually meet to commit “immoral activities.”

Al-Rai claimed that some of the suspects were arrested in previous raids and were released after signing a document that they will not repeat their “activities.”

The daily Al-anba reports that in other raids held yesterday against illegal migrants some were found to be conducting ‘immoral activities’ and running ‘brothels’.

Last week a municipal park restroom was closed for suspected ‘immoral activities of homosexuals’, two ‘European’ men who were sighted by the police managed to escape. Criminal investigators were assigned to “monitor the location’.

These ‘morality campaigns’ that have greatly intensified this year are ‘continuous and relentless’, a transgender Kuwaiti activist stated.

She reported that in fact ‘many of the people arrested are just having private parties, but the police allege they were engaged in prostitution, drinking, and so called “immoral activities”.

“The laws in Kuwait allow the police to violate the principle of ‘innocent until proven guilty.’ Charges are often fabricated and thus this is essentially an assault and violation of people’s right to dignity and a fair trial,” the report added.

Briefing: Decriminalising homosexuality in Belize: here.

8 thoughts on “Kuwait dictatorship persecutes LGBTQ teenagers

  1. Sri Lankan maid raped by three men

    Published Tuesday, June 19, 2012

    Three Kuwaiti men targeting a Sri Lankan housemaid waited for her to finish shopping and walk back home before jumping on her and bundling her in their car. They then took turns in raping her despite her incessant screams.

    The maid told police the three wore Kuwaiti clothes and spoke local accent when they intercepted her as she walked back home from the supermarket in Kuwait City. The maid said she tried to resist but they overpowered her.

    “They bundled her in their car, took her to a deserted place behind a building and raped her…police are still hunting for the rapists,” Alanba daily said.

    Kuwaiti killer of “sarcastic” friends gets death

    A Kuwaiti Sunni Muslim who converted to Shiite (Shia) murdered two friends after they scoffed at him for his decision.

    A court in the Gulf emirate had first sentenced him to life in jail but an appeals court ordered his execution.

    The court sentenced him to death on Monday despite a medical report showing the defendant is suffering from schizophrenia and other mental problems.

    “He confessed to stabbing his two friends to death because they made fun of him after converting to Shia Muslim,” Alanba daily said.

    Police said a hospital report showed the defendant has been treated at the psychological section for nearly 16 years.

    “The report showed he is suffering from schizophrenia and other psychological problems that make him unable to control his actions,” the paper said.



  2. US plans significant military presence in Kuwait to respond to region conflicts

    Published June 19, 2012

    Associated Press

    WASHINGTON – The United States is planning a significant military presence of 13,500 troops in Kuwait to give it the flexibility to respond to sudden conflicts in the region as Iraq adjusts to the withdrawal of American combat forces and the world nervously eyes Iran, according to a congressional report.

    The study by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee examined the U.S. relationship with the six nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council — Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman — against a fast-moving backdrop. In just the last two days, Saudi Arabia’s ruler named Defense Minister Prince Salman bin Abdul-Aziz as the country’s new crown prince after last week’s death of Prince Nayef, and Kuwait’s government suspended parliament for a month over an internal political feud.

    The latest developments inject even more uncertainty as the Middle East deals with the demands of the Arab Spring, the end to U.S. combat operations in Iraq at the end of 2011 and fears of Iran’s nuclear program.

    “Home to more than half of the world’s oil reserves and over a third of its natural gas, the stability of the Persian Gulf is critical to the global economy,” the report said. “However, the region faces a myriad of political and security challenges, from the Iranian nuclear program to the threat of terrorism to the political crisis in Bahrain.”

    The report obtained by The Associated Press in advance of Tuesday’s release provided precise numbers on U.S. forces in Kuwait, a presence that Pentagon officials have only acknowledged on condition of anonymity. Currently, there are about 15,000 U.S. forces in Kuwait at Camp Arifjan, Ali Al Salem Air Base and Camp Buehring, giving the United States staging hubs, training ranges and locations to provide logistical support. The report said the number of troops is likely to drop to 13,500.

    Several members of Congress, most notably Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., had pressed for a residual U.S. force to remain in Iraq, but the failure of the two countries to agree on whether American troops should be granted legal immunity scuttled that idea. Instead, officials talked of positioning a strong U.S. force just across the border in Kuwait. The strategy preserves “lily pad” basing that allows the military to move quickly from one location to the next.

    As it recalibrates its national security strategy, the United States is drawing down forces in Europe while focusing on other regions, such as the Middle East and Asia. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has said he envisions about 40,000 troops stationed in the Middle East region after the withdrawal from Iraq. By comparison, a cut of two Army combat brigades and the withdrawal of two other smaller units will leave about 68,000 troops in Europe.

    During the 1991 Persian Gulf War, some half a million U.S. forces were in the Middle East region. The United States maintained about 5,000 troops in Kuwait from the end of the Gulf War to March 2003, when U.S. and coalition forces invaded Iraq to topple the regime of Saddam Hussein. The U.S.-led invasion was in response to reports, later discredited, that Iraq was developing weapons of mass destruction.

    Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry, D-Mass., who asked his staff to conduct the study, said in a statement: “This is a period of historic, but turbulent change in the Middle East. We need to be clear-eyed about what these interests are and how best to promote them. This report provides a thoughtful set of recommendations designed to do exactly that.”

    The 37-page report raises questions about how the United States can leverage its financial aid to force change in the Middle East. Late last year, two Democrats — Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Rep. Jim McGovern of Massachusetts — opposed the U.S. sale of spare parts and equipment to Bahrain, arguing that the ruling Sunni monarchy was violating human rights and using excessive force to crack down on protests. The State Department went ahead earlier this year with the sale of some military equipment, saying it was for Bahrain’s external defense and support for the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, which is based in the country.

    Bahrain stands as a strategic ally to counter Iran.

    The report said the Unites States “should not be quick to rescind security assurances or assistance in response to human rights abuses but should evaluate each case on its own merits. U.S. government officials should use these tools to advance human rights through careful diplomacy. … The United States should make clear that states must not use arms procured from the United States against their own people engaged in peaceful assembly or exploit the U.S. security umbrella as protection for belligerent action against their neighbors.”

    The report also recommended that the United States promote the development of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Arab League while strengthening bilateral links to the six countries; seek opportunities for burden-sharing on operations such as missile defense, combat air patrol and maritime security; and push for the integration of Iraq into the Arab fold.

    The report emphasized that the region is critical as a counterbalance to Iran, whose conventional military includes 350,000 ground forces, 1,800 tanks and more than 300 fighter aircraft. It also has ballistic missiles with the range to target regional allies, including Israel.


  3. Vote law change a ‘coup’ say MPs

    KUWAIT: Government efforts to change the electoral law before a vote expected this year amount to a “coup,” opposition politicians said at the weekend, calling for political reform and full parliamentary democracy.

    The parliament has failed to swear in a new government as MPs boycotted the sessions, increasing the chances of a new election being called.

    But feudal ruler Sheikh Sabah blamed “incorrect political practices” for impeding development. “We will not allow the continuation of such methods,” he warned.



  4. Pingback: Kuwait ditatorship’s LGBTQ persecution | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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