Bahrain medics not safe yet

This video is called Bahraini medics recount hospital horror.

From The National daily in the United Arab Emirates today:

MANAMA // Earlier this week Rula Al Saffar was facing the prospect of spending the next 15 years in prison after she was convicted on charges including incitement to overthrow the Bahraini government.

But on Wednesday, she was granted an unexpected reprieve when the country’s attorney general ordered a civilian court retrial for her and the 19 other medics who were sentenced last week to between five and 15 years in jail.

Despite the news, Mrs Al Saffar, a 49-year-old nurse, said yesterday that she still had many questions. “We were hoping that all charges would be dropped because we are innocent,” she said. “There are also three medics sentenced by the military courts still in jail. Are they going to have retrials too? There are many unanswered questions and we don’t feel secure yet.”

13 thoughts on “Bahrain medics not safe yet

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  10. Probes into errors alarm medics

    By SANDEEP SINGH GREWAL, Posted on Monday, October 14, 2013

    BAHRAIN’S doctors are operating in a climate of fear that could lead to more cases of medical negligence, it has been claimed.

    Two doctors were suspended last month in connection with the death of Bahraini Fatima Ali Hussain, 12, who died following an alleged botched procedure at Salmaniya Medical Complex.

    Several other medics involved in the operation are also facing a disciplinary action, while at least two other cases of medical negligence in private hospitals are also being investigated.

    But the Bahrain Medical Society (BMS) says the “aggressive” approach by authorities could end up undermining patient care.

    “It should be made clear that we are not against any investigation or disciplinary committee as this is a question of patient rights,” said society head Dr Maha Al Kawari.

    “But this aggressive approach by Health Ministry and private hospitals of suspending doctors without informing us will affect the medical fraternity in Bahrain.”

    Dr Al Kawari said the society was aware of a paediatrician and an administrative staff member at a private hospital being suspended in relation to another case.

    She claims all of this has led to a climate of fear among medical professionals.

    “They may not be able to treat patients or will be scared with all eyes on them,” she said.

    “This could result in more mistakes and errors which is not good.

    “I feel whatever we do will be judged by someone, which makes mine and the jobs of others difficult.

    “This is the problem we are facing right now.”

    The BMS urged the Health Ministry and National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA) to allow BMS members to be part of investigations related to medics.

    “We are yet to hear from the Health Ministry to be included in all investigations to ensure transparency and rights of medics are not violated.”

    Bahrain Bloc MP Ahmed Al Sa’ati repeated calls for Health Minister Sadiq Al Shehabi to resign.

    “We are not against the minister but it seems he is taking this whole issue too personal,” he said.

    “The spate of deaths at the Salmaniya Medical Complex since last month is certainly worrying for us and everyone, who want answers.”

    The MP said he was collecting evidence and witnesses to make a strong case against the ministry.

    “The whole health system needs to be revamped immediately,” he added.

    Health Ministry officials confirmed three investigations were underway into allegations of medical negligence, but would not make any other comment.


  11. Sadrists rally in Basra to support Bahraini people
    3/19/2012 11:38 AM

    BASRA / Aswat al-Iraq: The pro-Bahraini demonstration called for by Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr will start on Monday in Basra, southern Iraq, amid tight security measure to secure protesters.

    “The demonstration will start from al-Ihtefalat square, western Basra, until the headquarters of the Olympic committee in the center of the city,” a media source from al-Sadr office told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    “A security plan has been mapped out since Sunday to protect the protesting Sadrists,” a security source said, noting that the plan includes a wide-scale deployment of police and army personnel to avoid any problem.

    “A curfew will be imposed on certain hours tomorrow in certain areas as part of the security plan,” he added.

    Al-Ahrar bloc called on Iraqis to take part in the demonstration to support Baharainis, according to a statement issued last Saturday.

    “Today’s protest is a civilized practice and citizens’ right to express their rejection to tyranny,” Karar al-Khafaji , head of the political bureau of al-Sadr’s office, said.

    Supporters of Muqtada al-Sadr had rallied in the Iraqi capital earlier this month, saying Bahrain’s king should be barred from an Arab League summit.

    Bahrain was criticized for its response to last year’s uprising and an independent commission determined security forces used excessive force.

    Unrest has continued in the country since the uprising in February 2011.

    Bahrain has complained to Iraq previously of al-Sadr’s “irresponsible statements” about the uprising, summoning Baghdad’s envoy to Manama in January.

    The Shiite-led opposition in Bahrain demands constitutional changes that would reduce the power of the ruling Sunni dynasty.
    Tensions have remained high in Bahrain since a deadly crackdown last year after a month of street protests in the capital Manama.

    Tensions between Iraq and the six Gulf Arab states have risen sharply since Bahrain secured military support from fellow Gulf Cooperation Council members to smash the month of pro-democracy protests.

    In the aftermath of the crackdown, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki warned that the military intervention risked stoking sectarian conflict across the region.

    SH (TF)/SR


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