Cameron in Murdoch scandal trouble

David Cameron and the Rupert Murdoch scandals, cartoon

Britain: Labour frontbenchers called on Prime Minister David Cameron and his most senior colleagues today to come clean over their dealings with News International: here.

The former managing editor of the News of the World was arrested today on suspicion of phone hacking and inappropriate payments to police: here.

Former British intelligence officer Ian Hurst said he was shown evidence that his emails were intercepted and later faxed to the News of the World’s Dublin office: here.

When he worked at The Times, Robert Fisk witnessed the curious working practices of the paper’s proprietor, Rupert Murdoch. Despite their jocular exchanges, the writer knew he couldn’t stay: here.

Alex Salmond accused of pandering to Rupert Murdoch: here.

USA: Frank Rich: Murdoch and O’Reilly are ‘Thugs’: here.

Michael Wolff on the state of the Murdoch empire and its Mob-like structure: here.

61-year-old man arrested in connection with phone hacking is believed to be ex-News of the World editor Greg Miskiw: here.

Murdoch’s sins go way beyond the hacking scandal: here.

12 thoughts on “Cameron in Murdoch scandal trouble

  1. Seven years ago OUTFOXED exposed Murdoch’s propaganda machine, FOX News, and the dangers of corporate control of our media.

    Seven years ago we were laughed at for “overstating the case”.

    Today, with scandal and arrests, it is time to revisit OUTFOXED and focus on the dangers to our democracy when control passes to the highest bidder.

    Join us on Tues, Aug. 9th at 5 pm PST/8 pm EST for a live online discussion.

    Film clips will be shown with commentary from special guests:

    Cenk Uygur – Co-founder of The Young Turks and former MSNBC host
    Ilyse Hogue – Senior Advisor to Media Matters
    James Rucker – Co-founder of
    Janeane Garofalo – Actor/Comedian
    Katrina vanden Heuvel – Editor of The Nation
    Ellen Brodsky – News Hounds

    Followed by a live discussion with Producer/Director Robert Greenwald.

    Send the question you would like addressed in the live discussion by Facebook , Twitter, or post on the site. See you there!

    Make a $25 donation today and get the OUTFOXED: Special Edition FOX Attacks DVD! Please help keep the fight strong as we continue to take on heavy hitters like Murdoch.

    Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films team

    P.S. – We look forward to your questions for this event


  2. Murdoch daughter won’t join board

    MEDIA: News Corporation has confirmed that Rupert Murdoch’s daughter will not be joining the company’s board.

    Elisabeth Murdoch said that it would be “inappropriate” for her to join the board.

    Some shareholders reportedly believe that the 16-member board is too beholden to Rupert Murdoch.

    The Murdochs control nearly 40 per cent of the company’s voting shares and Mr Murdoch’s two sons James and Lachlan already sit on the board.


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