Rome Berlusconi local government blames miniskirts, not rapists

This video says about itself:

Miniskirt Ban? Make this jumpsuit so that the next time you’re strolling through Castellammare di Stabia, you’ll have something to wear.

Translated from ANP Dutch news agency:

Women, no short skirts! leaflet causes storm

27/07/11, 17:02

In Rome, a riot has been caused by 10,000 “anti-rape leaflets” which local authorities have distributed in the tube of the Italian capital. They recommend that women should not walk in dark streets in the evening and should not wear too beautiful revealing clothing which might attract a male gaze.

Women’s organizations do not want women to be patronized in this way as “poor creatures” . In a manifesto, they demand instead of those leaflets, a change from a ‘culture of fear’ to a culture of respect. They therefore have organized a demonstration under the slogan “another idea about security and freedom.”

In Rome, there is a local government of Silvio Berlusconi‘s Rightist coalition.

That Rightist coalition already made themselves look ridiculous in a town much smaller than Rome, Castellammare di Stabia, by banning miniskirts (and football).

In Rome, the mayor, Gianni Alemanno, is an ex(?)-fascist, or rather still a fascist according to many people.

Now, he spends taxpayers’ money on blaming women and miniskirts, instead of rapists, for rape.

This extreme Right mayor and his clique deserve:

– A SlutWalk, even bigger than the million strong recent Gay Pride parade in Rome.

– New local elections, which will drive them away like happened in other recent local elections in Italy.

Slutwalks have swept across continents following the first march in Toronto this April in response to a police officer informing a group of students that “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised”: here.

This video is called Slutwalk London – June 11th 2011.

200-Year-Old Paris Trouser Ban For Women May Finally Be Repealed: here.

Facebook ignores requests to delete page advocating rape: here.

Sign petition to prevent rape victims being silenced: here.

8 thoughts on “Rome Berlusconi local government blames miniskirts, not rapists

  1. Hundreds march against abuse in Delhi’s ‘SlutWalk’

    By MUNEEZA NAQVI – Associated Press | AP – 3 hrs ago

    NEW DELHI (AP) — There were no short skirts, fishnet stockings or lingerie on display that were the staple of other global “SlutWalk” marches as hundreds gathered in India’s capital on Sunday to protest sexual violence against women.

    The event condemned the notion widely held in this traditional society that a woman’s appearance can explain or excuse rape and sexual harassment. In India, public sexual taunting or even groping of women — locally known as “Eve teasing” — is common.

    While millions of women in India now work outside their homes as the economy continues to grow at a fast clip, the country is still largely conservative. Perhaps keeping that in mind, most marchers wore jeans and T-shirts or salwar-kameezes, the Indian tunic paired with loose pants.

    “We’re walking for a cause and we’re dressed in the same clothes that we wear everyday,” organizer Umang Sabharwal said ahead of the march.

    Similar marches have been held in cities around the world. The protests originated in Toronto, Canada, where they were sparked by a police officer’s remark that women could avoid being raped by not dressing like “sluts.”

    In Toronto and later Boston, several women have marched in lingerie with the word “slut” painted on their bodies.

    New Delhi’s version of the protest was both tamer and smaller.

    While earlier versions of the protest drew thousands, about 500 marchers and an almost equal number of reporters and photographers gathered Sunday in the sweltering July heat of the Indian capital. The marchers carried placards that said, “Change your thinking not your clothes” and “Our life, our body, our rights.”

    Despite rapid modernization in its big cities, India’s attitudes toward women are still largely patriarchal. The incidence of rapes and sexual attacks on women are high.

    The Indian capital has a terrible reputation for women’s safety. A government-backed United Nations survey has found that about 85 percent of women in New Delhi are afraid of being sexually harassed while outside their homes for work or study.

    Earlier this month, the city’s police chief said that women should avoid going out late at night and advised them to take a male relative or friend with them for their own safety.

    “I think Delhi is the city that needs the ‘SlutWalk’ the most. Everyone knows what the environment here is like for a woman and I think the reason why it happens the most is because we accept it,” said Sabharwal, a 19-year-old journalism student at Delhi University.

    Police in the capital attempted two years ago to make it easier for women to report abuse by putting female officers at front desks in police stations across the sprawling city.

    National statistics show the capital accounts for twice as many abuses as other Indian cities. But most cases still go unreported because victims fear having to face male police officers who dismiss or deride their complaints.

    India recorded 21,467 rape cases in 2008, up 18 percent from the 18,233 cases in 2004, according to the figures from the National Crime Records Bureau.

    Other crimes are also rising, including sexual harassment, abuse and killings over dowry disputes despite stringent laws that mandate life in prison as punishment.


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