Murdoch spied on de Menezes family?

This video from London, England says about itself:

8 January 2010

Yesterday, the family of Jean Charles de Menezes unveiled a permanent memorial outside Stockwell underground station. Jean Charles, a Brazilian electrician, was shot dead at the station by armed police officers on 22nd July 2005.

Vivian Figueiredo, Jean’s cousin, said on behalf of the family: Jean Charles was not the first person to be killed unjustly by the police and he won’t be the last. But we hope that through our campaign, we have raised awareness of the importance of police accoutability and how families should always be told the truth about how their loved one has died. To this day, not a single police officer has been disciplined or punished in any way for the deliberate shooting of an innocent man and the cover-up that followed. This is a public scandal and this memorial stands testament to that.

The memorial replaces the “shrine” to Jean’s memory which had been created and maintained by members of the public alongside Jean’s family since the immediate aftermath of his death in 2005.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

De Menezes cousin may have been victim

Thursday 14 July 2011

Police told the family of Jean Charles de Menezes today that they may have been the victims of phone hacking by the News of the World.

The phone number of Alex Pereira, a cousin of Mr de Menezes – who was gunned down by police in a case of mistaken identity in 2005 was found on the phone-hacking list.

The family called on David Cameron to broaden the hacking inquiry to look at alleged police leaks to the media during the investigation into the killing.

In a letter to the Prime Minister they said: “We are conscious that the newspapers owned by News International provided some of the most virulent and often misleading coverage around Jean’s death and its aftermath.

“Throughout the investigation, misinformation continued to be leaked to the press that attempted to besmirch Jean’s character.”

A spokesman for the Justice4Jean campaign said the family were “deeply pained” at the news and feared that “the police may be attempting to cover up their own wrongdoing once more relating to this case” by not coming forward with the information earlier.

See also here.

Rupert Murdoch refuses to appear before Parliament: here.

Rupert on the Run: News Corp‘s UK Future in Doubt as MPs Turn on Murdoch: here.

USA: FBI looking into alleged News Corp (aka Murdoch) phone hacking of 9/11 victims: here. And here.

Has Roger Ailes Hacked American Phones for Fox News? Here.