British gay marriage rights campaign

This video from the USA is called Gay Marriage in America.

Britain: Campaigners launched a legal challenge today to the ban on gay marriage and heterosexual civil partnerships with the first of eight couples filing an application for a ceremony they are not allowed to hold: here.

41 per cent of US trans people have attempted suicide: here.

USA: The 190th Annual Meeting of Southern Baptists, held on November 16 in Columbia, South Carolina, approved a resolution calling its pastors to preach against homosexuality — “to uphold the biblical standard of human sexuality against all onslaughts” — but also to “love and show compassion toward homosexuals and transgendered persons”: here.

Gay books vandalised with urine at Harvard library: here.

Navy seeks to discharge sailor found asleep in bed with another male sailor: here.

Uganda bars media from outing gays: here.

FEDERAL COURT UPHOLDS GAY MARRIAGE BANS IN FOUR STATES: “The march toward gay marriage across the U.S. hit a roadblock Thursday when a federal appeals court upheld laws against the practice in four states, creating a split in the legal system that increases the chances the Supreme Court will step in to decide the issue once and for all. The cases decided were from Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee.” Here’s a map of where gay marriage stands across the country. [AP]

5 thoughts on “British gay marriage rights campaign

  1. Bayan Muna joins 2010 Pride March, vows to push passage of gay rights bill

    Bayan Muna joins the annual Pride March in the Philippines for the first time today to show its solidarity with lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders (LGBTs) in their quest for recognition, tolerance and equal treatment in Philippine society.

    In his message to the LGBT community, Bayan Muna congressman Teddy Casiño vowed to work closely with LGBT groups in pushing for legislation to help address the grave inequalities that current laws have against the sector. “At the minimum, we have authored a bill that will prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, proscribe appropriate penalties for committing such, and hopefully open up more opportunities for the advance of our compatriot LGBTs,” he said.

    Casiño is the author of House Bill 1483, or the Anti-Discrimination Act of 2010 that is now pending in the House Committee on Justice.

    “We congratulate, Task Force Pride and its co-organizers, the AIDS Society of the Philippines and the Quezon City local government, for giving the much needed support to gaining more understanding of the LGBT community in the Philippines. We also take pride in the fact that Bayan Muna counts on the growing number of gays and lesbians among its members and leaders. I am also pleasantly surprised at the magnitude and depth of participation in the annual Pride March,” Casiño said.

    He added that Bayan Muna’s participation in the annual event is part of the party’s advocacy against gender discrimination and other human rights violations suffered by the LGBT community and other marginalized sectors.


  2. Opponents of gay marriage slammed

    Australia: Politicians were lampooned for their opposition to gay marriage on Saturday as hundreds of thousands of revellers crammed the streets of central Sydney on Saturday for one of the world’s premier gay and lesbian parades.

    Caricatures of Labour Prime Minister Julia Gillard in a wedding gown and opposition leader Tony Abbott in a Speedo – giant paper mache puppets with five-foot-tall heads sometimes locked in carnal clinches – were a highlight.

    Both Labour and Mr Abbott’s Liberals oppose calls for gay marriage. The federal government passed a law in 2004 to ensure that only marriages between a man and a woman can be legally recognised in Australia.


  3. Pingback: US Tea Party politician praises stoning gays | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Homophobic Roman Catholic bishops’ backlash | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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