Halliburton, BP knew about dangers and did nothing

This video from the USA is called Audubon President Explores Threats to Birds and their Habitat on Location in the Gulf.

USA: Weeks before the April 20 explosion, Halliburton and BP were aware of test results showing problems with the cement mixture designed to temporarily seal the Macondo well: here.

They’ve survived Katrina, systemic racism. But BP oil spill could wipe out Pointe-a-la-Hache oystermen. Our exclusive: here.

BP spill claims czar throws out thousands of applications: here.

New study: Just weeks after BP oil spill, toxic chemicals had spread 3,300ft deep & 8 miles away. More here.

In Gulf Of Mexico, ‘They Are Literally Shrimping In Oil’: here.

Millions of birds winter on the Gulf of Mexico coast. Now volunteers are counting the animals to help scientists determine the oil spill’s effects on resident populations as well as on the migratory populations: here.

Dead Coral Found Near Site of Gulf Oil Spill: here.

Apache acquires BP assets in Egyptian Western Desert: here.

U.S. Activists: Prevent future oil spills in Alaska, home to some of our country’s most important species: here.

12 thoughts on “Halliburton, BP knew about dangers and did nothing

  1. Toxic chemicals found deep at BP oil spill site

    WASHINGTON | Tue Nov 2, 2010 5:06pm EDT

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Toxic chemicals at levels high enough to kill sea animals extended deep underwater soon after the BP oil spill, U.S. researchers reported on Tuesday.

    They found evidence of the chemicals as deep as 3,300 feet and as far away as 8 miles in May, and said the spread likely worsened as more oil spilled.

    The chemicals, called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or PAHs, can kill animals right away in high enough concentrations and can cause cancer over time.

    “From the time that these observations were made, there was an extensive release of additional oil and dispersants at the site. Therefore, the effects on the deep sea ecosystem may be considerably more severe than supported by the observations reported here,” the researchers wrote in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

    The Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig exploded in April, killing 11 workers and spilling about 4.9 million barrels or 185 million gallons of crude oil.

    Terry Wade of Texas A&M University, Steven Lohrenz of the University of Southern Mississippi and Stennis Space Center and colleagues began testing the waters around the spill soon afterwards.

    Environmental experts were most worried about the PAHs because they are so toxic, but not much was known about how long they could last in the water or how long it would take them to dissipate.

    The initial tests showed they were at high levels very deep under the water, the report shows.

    “Based on our findings, subsurface exposure to PAH resulting from the Deepwater Horizon oil release was likely to be associated with acute toxicity effects in discrete depth layers between 1,000 and 1,400 meters in the region southwest of the wellhead site and extending at least as far as 13 km,” the research team wrote.

    PAHs include a group of compounds, and different types were at different depths, they said.

    It is possible they dissipate quickly, but no one has yet showed this, they added.

    “Our findings suggest that toxicity effects of the subsurface PAH compounds could have extended at least as far as 13 km from the wellhead site,” the researchers said.

    In September a team at Oregon State University said they found alarming levels of PAHs in the region, 40 times higher than before the area was affected by the oil spill.

    Last week, the Food and Drug Administration and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said testing had helped confirm that chemicals used to disperse oil from the BP spill have not made their way into fish, crabs, shrimp or oysters from the Gulf of Mexico.

    (Reporting by Maggie Fox; Editing by Jerry Norton)


  2. Local doctor links spill to symptoms

    November 02, 2010 11:26 AM

    By Jennie Hobbs

    Rodney D. Soto, medical doctor for the Younger You Institute in Santa Rosa Beach, recently started testing and treating patients in relation to high levels of volatile solvents in the blood stream that he says may be linked to BP’s oil spill in the Gulf.

    “What I am concerned most about is a long-term effect, that won’t even show up for years, but are going to have tremendous implications in human immune system and hormonal function and brain function,” Soto said.

    These compounds (petroleum and dispersants) are liposoluble; meaning they have a “high affinity for fat,” Soto said.

    While the clinic specializes in “anti-aging and aesthetic medicine,” Soto points out that he is a medical doctor licensed in two states. He said the medical community has been monitoring the spill’s impact but has failed to develop adequate treatment methods.

    “It is not the fat that you would think of, it is the fat tissue in your body; the brain is 70 percent fat and the glands, immune cells, the intestinal tract, thyroid, breast, prostate, the organs and systems. That is why it causes all of these disorders,” Soto said. “That is why it is so significant for children.”

    To read a related article, click here.

    Children’s brains and reproductive organs and processes are still forming, which could potentially make their exposure to the petro chemicals even more significant.

    Okaloosa Island resident Joseph Yerkes says he recently tested positive for high levels of volatile solvents in his blood and is being treated for toxic exposure.

    His longtime attending physician at the Immediate Care Center in Fort Walton Beach performed the test at Yerkes’ request, after he experienced multiple symptoms related to exposure of this type, such as tiredness, lethargy, headaches, blisters, non-healing sores on his elbows and head, as well as an aggravating cough and chronic body aches.

    Yerkes was referred to a toxicologist following testing. The doctor gave him the sobering news.

    “He was very clear about his diagnosis, explaining how dangerous and damaging these chemicals can be to our bodies, and concluded all of my symptoms are due to the elevated, abnormal levels of chemicals present in my system from the Gulf oil spill,” the former Vessels of Opportunity operator, who was employed by BP, told The Sun in a recent e-mail.

    Yerkes is among a growing number of people testing for high levels of volatile solvents in his blood, one watchdog group claims.

    According to Mississippi Riverkeeper of the Waterkeeper Alliance, blood samples from eight individuals from Florida (Pensacola) and Alabama, male and female, residents and BP cleanup workers “were analyzed for volatile solvents and all came back with Ethylbenzene and m,p-Xylene in excess of 95th percentile values of 0.11 ppb for ethylbenzene and 0.34 ppb for m,p-Xylene.” The highest concentration value was four times the 95the percentile.

    The report went on to say, “The blood of all three females and five males had chemicals that are found in the BP crude oil.”

    Local emergency operation officials and health department personnel say they are unfamiliar with this testing.

    Capt. Joe Preston, chief for Walton County Emergency Management and Public Safety Division, said, “It falls under more of a public health purview but it is something that needs to be tracked closely.”

    Gail Allen, administrator for the Walton County Health Department, said “I have not heard of this (volatile solvents blood) testing.”

    “As far as air and water quality, testing, it hasn’t given any indication that it is necessary,” Allen said. “There are things in place to do long-term tracking (of BP workers), but it has not started” yet.

    A total of 119 water samples were taken in Walton County, which resulted in one “hit” on July 22 at Grayton Beach State Park. A hit refers to a positive indicator for oil product or dispersants.

    According to the Department of Environmental Protection website, 23 samples were taken and tested for dispersants between June 22 and Aug. 16, resulting with two “hits.”

    Both “hits” were on Aug.16, one in Escambia/Santa Rosa counties and the other in Bay County, no samplings have been listed since.

    The dispersant “hits” are followed by an asterisk which denotes, “trace amounts of DOSS, which is an ingredient of the Corexit dispersant and other common consumer products, such as paints, coatings and pharmaceutical products, were observed.” It went on; “dispersants were never used in state of Florida waters.”

    Health officials such as Dr. Soto said the Exxon oil spill tragedy in Alaska showed it is important to “provide healthcare” for people exposed to the hazardous materials.

    Part of the treatment, for patients that test positive, will consist of an oral and an intravenous detoxification, said Soto.

    “The liver has the ability to detox these compounds efficiently until it gets overloaded or overwhelmed, then it is deposited into the fat cells,” Soto said. “The all natural intravenous agent will help detox through the stool and urine.”

    Yerkes’ physician’s suggested treatment includes diet and his temporary relocation.

    “It’s very hard to accept the fact that I have to leave the Gulf of Mexico,” Yerkes said. “It deeply saddens me after living on or around it, making a living from it, and experiencing the serenity and contentedness it has always brought to me.”

    “I don’t know if they can ‘make this right’ anymore,” he added.



  3. Pingback: BP guilty in Gulf oil disaster | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  5. Pingback: Halliburton destroyed Gulf oil spill evidence | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  6. Pingback: ‘BP lied about Gulf oil spill’ | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  7. Pingback: BP in oil spill trial | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  8. Oil firm pays £670m for Gulf spill claims

    United States: Oil giant Halliburton said yesterday that it has agreed to pay $1.1 billion (£670 million) to settle a substantial portion of plaintiff claims arising from the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

    The settlement, which is subject to court approval, will be paid into a trust until appeals are resolved over the next two years.

    Halliburton was BP’s cement contractor on the drilling rig that exploded in the Gulf in April 2010, killing 11 workers.



  9. Pingback: BP polluters get just slap on the wrist | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  11. Pingback: Trump’s Interior Secretary’s Halliburton corporation scandal | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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