Birds and mammals in new English nature reserve

This video from Britain is called Saltholme Wildlife Reserve.

From Wildlife Extra:

Unusual birdlife in residence after just 1 year at Saltholme

20/01/2010 00:02:19

RSPB Saltholme celebrates first birthday

January 2010. In the twelve months since its doors first opened, Saltholme has had almost 100,000 visits. RSPB Salthome wetlands offer a wild retreat within the industrial heartland of Tees Valley, and has attracted a great mix of wildlife enthusiasts and nature reserve first-timers.

Wildlife visitors – Bitterns, Sand martins, lapwings and even a corncrake

Sand martins turned up and used the nesting bank specially created for them. Common terns flocked to the purpose-built cockleshell-covered island in front of the visitor centre, and lapwings, peregrines and yellow wagtails have also been regular visitors. Some rare and secretive birds joined other wildlife on the reserve too, from a corncrake in mid-summer to two bitterns that have taken up residence this winter.

And the recent arctic conditions have brought all sorts of usually elusive birds up close to delighted visitors.

Reed buntings and water rails left the sanctuary of their usual reedbed homes to search for food, and there were amazing views of skylarks on ice of the main Saltholme pool.

Hares & voles

Other highlights were the ‘mad’ hares boxing, while water voles paddled around the reserves waterways.

Dave Braithwaite, Saltholme Site Manager, says: “Saltholme has brought nature to the doorstep of many of people that may not have even considered visiting a nature reserve before.

Saltholme has three architect-designed hides, including a striking watchpoint which overlooks one of its busiest pools. The state of the art visitor centre offers panoramic views of the wetland.

A group of sex-mad water voles rescued from one of Europe’s biggest sewage works prior to building work at the site are “breeding like rabbits” in their temporary home, Thames Water has said: here.

A petition, back by almost 22000 pledges from the Scottish public, will be handed to the Scottish Parliament today, demanding tougher action to tackle the illegal killing of birds of prey: here.

UK’s oldest known arctic tern returns to roost: here.

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