Anglican leader criticized about gay rights

This video from the USA says about itself:

Gospel of Intolerance: U.S. Evangelicals Fund Uganda Antigay Movement | Op-Docs | The New York Times

23 January 2013

The filmmaker Roger Ross Williams reveals how money donated by American evangelicals helps to finance a violent antigay movement in Uganda.

Read the story here.

By Jessica Geen, Pink News, Britain:

Call for Archbishop of Canterbury to retract statements on lesbian bishop

December 11, 2009

Liberal Anglicans are calling for Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams to retract comments he made on the selection of a US lesbian bishop.

Three thousand people have joined a Facebook group set up two days ago to call for Williams to speak out instead about anti-gay laws proposed in Uganda.

Williams responded to the selection of bishop-elect Mary Glasspool within hours but on Uganda, Lambeth Palace released a short statement last week saying he was in “private” talks with the country’s Anglican Church.

Although Ugandan ministers have said provisions for executions and life prison sentences for gays will be dropped, it will still lead to imprisonment for those ‘promoting’ homosexuality or having gay sex.

The Facebook group says: “The Archbishop of Canterbury has failed to exercise moral leadership to protect gays and lesbians in Uganda and has instead exercised political pressure to attack a bishop-elect in Los Angeles because she is a lesbian.

“As Anglicans who treasure their Communion and expect more from their Archbishop, in the Advent spirit of John the Baptist’s cry to the religious leaders of his time, we call on Rowan Williams to repent of his earlier statement.”

The Facebook group was set up by Susan Russell, a former president of Anglican gay group Integrity.

She told the Guardian that signatories include bishops and former staff of Lambeth Palace.

Yesterday, one of the most powerful Christian pastors in the US condemned the law, leading many liberal Anglicans to question why Williams has not spoken publicly about it.

Rick Warren, who is firmly against gay marriage, said the law was “terrible” and called on Ugandan church leaders to condemn it.

The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams apologised today for statements he has made about gay people in the church: here.

The Unite union has called for the resignation of two Church of England bishops, claiming they allowed a Worcester vicar to suffer years of abuse: here.

11 thoughts on “Anglican leader criticized about gay rights

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  8. Gay canon loses prejudice case

    TRIBUNAL: A gay clergyman prevented from taking up a post as a hospital chaplain was not discriminated against, an employment tribunal ruled yesterday.

    Canon Jeremy Pemberton, who had his permission to officiate revoked after marrying his partner in April 2014, had alleged that the Church of England’s stance on same-sex marriage breached the 2010 Equality Act.

    Mr Pemberton said his lawyers would appeal.


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