British Christians against merchants of death

This video from the USA is called Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers • FULL DOCUMENTARY FILM • BRAVE NEW FILMS.

By Conrad Landin in Britain:

Christian groups demand block on arms dealers

Tuesday 30th June 2015

THE “blood of Christ” could end up spattered across the steps of a church-owned conference centre if arms dealers convene there today.

The two-day RUSI Land Warfare Conference 2015 in London is sponsored by the world’s biggest arms manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, and MBDA Missile Systems, which sold arms to late Libyan leader Colonel Gadaffi.

A coalition of Christian campaign groups is now calling for the Church of England, which owns the centre, to practise what it preaches on war and killing.

Angry clerics will block delegates from entering the centre this morning by celebrating holy communion at the main entrance, the Morning Star can reveal.

Arms dealers will struggle to gain entry unless their heavies shove the pesky padres aside, which could lead to an embarrassing spillage of communion wine.

Pax Christi general secretary Pat Gaffney said: “The CofE statement on ethical investment states that its investment bodies do not wish directly to profit from activities that are inconsistent with Christian values.

“How then is it comfortable to host and accept money from some of the world’s biggest arms companies?”

Fellowship of Reconciliation spokeswoman Emma Anthony called for Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby to intervene.

“St Paul’s Cathedral will not take money from arms companies and Church House Conference Centre must follow their lead,” she said.

Campaign Against Arms Trade Christian Network representative Symon Hill said arms companies were not acting out of support for the church but “because it’s good for business.”

“Unfortunately, Church House Conference Centre is giving practical support and a veneer of legitimacy to an industry that profits from war,” he said.

See also here.

10 thoughts on “British Christians against merchants of death

  1. CHRISTIANS held a protest communion yesterday outside a church centre where arms dealers were holding a conference.

    A coalition of groups laid out bread, sang hymns and said prayers as uniformed conference delegates went into Church House for the RUSI Land Warfare Conference, sponsors of which include Lockheed Martin and MBDA Missile Systems.

    One banner read: “Jesus’s hands were kind hands, Lockheed’s arms are not.”

    Campaigner Emma Anthony, of Fellowship of Reconciliation, said: “The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, should intervene and reject the arms trade for good.

    “St Paul’s Cathedral will not take money from arms companies and Church House Conference Centre must follow their lead.”


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