USA ‘freedom fries’ are French fries again

Freedom fries, cartoonDutch NOS TV reports that the restaurant of the United States House of Representatives has renamed so called freedom fries to their former name, French fries.

Already earlier, Republican Congressman Walter Jones, who had proposed the earlier change out of spite for French non support of Bush’s Iraq war, had turned against the Iraq war.

The irony of it all: so called “French” fries are originally not French, but Belgian (“well, the Belgian government opposed the Iraq war too” … ).

At least the example of Congressman Walter Jones shows that some people are able to learn some things.

Rep. Walter Jones Jr. (R-N.C.), a 13-term congressman who initially supported the Iraq War but later came to vehemently oppose it, died Sunday on his 76th birthday.

7 thoughts on “USA ‘freedom fries’ are French fries again

  1. Shades of Freedom Fries: Israeli Company Pressured to Eliminate ‘Turkish’ Coffee

    Cup of Turkish coffee served in Istanbul, Image via Wikipedia

    For those of you who thought the whole “freedom fries” bit circa 2003 was hilarious, the Israeli right has a companion campaign: to do away with the term “Turkish coffee.” For those of you who’ve never traveled to the Middle East, the intense espresso known as Turkish coffee is about as popular and ubiquitous as French fries here in the U.S. Which is why this campaign promoted by a right-wing Israeli religious group is just about as funny.

    Note this report in Maariv has a new revionist version of the Mavi Marmara attack:
    turkish coffee

    Israeli right pressures Elite to eliminate Turkish coffee

    The right wing religious group, Our Israel, has turned to Struass-Elite with a request to rename its Turkish coffee in light of the attack on Israeli commandos connected to the Gaza flotilla.

    …Shai Geffen, general secretary of the group wrote to the company: “Turkey stands behind the murderous terror against IDF soldiers as we all saw saw in the terrible pictures from the Gaza flotilla. Turkey acted crazily and has become part of the Axis of Evil, a symbol of terror and enemy of Israel.

    We hope that as a patriotic company active in the Israeli market, that you would be sensitive to the opinion of the Israeli public. Your positive response to our request would undoubtedly be received favorably by the Israeli public. Honoring our heroic soldiers who fought so bravely against the murderers on the Marmara, and the Jewish people is very important to you and to us.”

    It’s pertinent to note that Turks actually prefer to drink tea to their “black coffee.” And they didn’t invent the drink, but rather imported it from Ethiopia as part of the Ottoman conquest, which was considerably more violent than Israel’s partial control of Gaza.

    Now, that’s debatable. I wonder whether a Gazan would agree? And how would an Israeli reporter who’s never been to Gaza even begin to be able to make such a judgement??

    It’s also interesting to note that certain Israeli circles have created a revisionist version of the Marmara incident in which Israeli soldiers faced nearly certain death at the hands of cruel Turkish terrorists. The power of the human mind to fall prey to delusion…

    Should we begin our own little contest to come up with a replacement name for “Turkish coffee” for Israelis? It seems the least we can do to do our patriotic bit to eliminate any reference to that perfidious nation formerly known as Turkey. How ’bout instead of a “cup of java,” a cup of Gaza? Or “commando coffee?”


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