Death by hanging in eighteenth-century London, England

This video from the USA is called Dead Man Walking – Execution.

This video is about arguments against the death penalty.

This 2018 video is called Horrific details of death penalty [by hanging] execution revealed by retired judge.

From London daily The Morning Star:

Hang ’em high

(Monday 05 June 2006)

The London Hanged by Peter Linebaugh
(Verso, £11.99)

GORDON PARSONS discovers the economic uses of execution in the 18th century in a thought-provoking history of hanging.

“WHAT’S in a name,” asked Shakespeare’s Juliet. Well, as Freud well knew, a hell of a lot!

Peter Linebaugh launches this second edition of a book that is as certain to become a classic with the telling observation that the word capital denotes both “crimes punishable by death and the accumulation of wealth.”

Linebaugh’s book, which is subtitled Crime and Civil Society in the Eighteenth Century, could justifiably have been entitled The Hanging of the English Working Class.

There are few historians who could as engrossingly encompass the wealth of detailed information now available to scholars and at the same time, with the skill of the novelist, keep the reader turning the pages.

Using the 18th century periodical The Ordinary of Newgate, which contained the brief personal biographies of the victims of “crampjaw” or “the breath stopper,” just two of the familiar terms among the London poor for Tyburn’s gallows tree, Linebaugh breathes life into the obscene statistics.

Mary Dyer, hanged in Boston (now USA) in 1660, for being a Quaker: here.

5 thoughts on “Death by hanging in eighteenth-century London, England

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