Black-winged stilts and water rail

These two videos are about the Groene Jonker nature reserve in the Netherlands.

Today, to the Groene Jonker nature reserve.

A grey heron flying.

Juvenile shelducks swimming.

A great egret.

Barnacle geese.

Two jays flying.

Greenfinch sound.

Black medic and yarrow growing along the road.

Common terns. Egyptian geese. Spoonbills.

Great crested grebes. Hundreds of grey lag geese.

The local black-winged stilt family, male, female, youngster, are still there.

A juvenile pied wagtail looks for insects among passing sheep.

Many swifts. Barn swallows.

A common sandpiper.

A common snipe near the female and the young black-winged stilt.

Two garganey moulting.

A wood sandpiper.


House martins.

A young male reed bunting cleaning its feathers.

Purple loosestrife flowering.

Near a moorhen, a water rail, coming much more into the open than this usually shy species normally does.

A Savi’s warbler sound. Savi’s warbler photo: here.

Soft rush flowering.

A marsh harrier flying.

Rough chervil flowers.

A buzzard sitting on a fence.

Edible frog sound.

German chamomile and spotted ladysthumb flowers.

Sand martins. Sand martin photos: here.

Greater burdock.

A tree sparrow sitting on a pole with a No dogs allowed sign.

Silverweed. Sow thistle.

Black mullein. UPDATE: sorry: common mullein.

Great hairy willowherb.


Bitter dock.

An adult northern lapwing with a chick, already sporting a small tuft on its head.

A juvenile goldfinch, eating, sitting on a thistle.

Spear thistle.

After leaving the Groene Jonker, a hare in a meadow.

Black-winged stilt nest in Drenthe: here.