US police murders George Floyd, worldwide condemnation

This 10 June 2020 video says about itself:

Amsterdam protest: Thousands rally against racism in capital city

More than 10,000 people have rallied in support of the Black Lives Matter movement in the Dutch capital, Amsterdam.

Protesters are highlighting the country’s colonial past, but that is not the only focus of the demonstration.

Activists are demanding an end to systemic racism in the Netherlands.

Al Jazeera’s Step Vaessen reports from Amsterdam.

JEFFERSON DAVIS FALLS Nationwide anger over police brutality and systemic racism has turned toward symbols of America’s troubled past still scattered across the country: statues honoring Confederate figures and colonizers that have long invited heated debate. In Portsmouth, Virginia, protesters covered a large Confederate monument dating to the 1800s with trash bags and spray paint. A crowd of demonstrators later took bolt cutters and sledgehammers to the heads of the statues, removing them as a marching band blasted in the background. In Richmond, Virginia, demonstrators removed a statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis. [HuffPost]

Sunny Hostin has no time for Meghan McCain’s “Gone With The Wind” lament.

“Song of the South” trends as fans debate the legacy of “Disney’s most notorious film.”

TRUMP ‘WON’T CONSIDER’ RENAMING BASES NAMED FOR CONFEDERATE GENERALS Trump said he “will not even consider” renaming military bases named for Confederate generals, claiming it would be a disrespect to the armed forces. Trump, in remarks he tweeted and directed press secretary Kayleigh McEnany to read at a White House press briefing, did not acknowledge that the bases are named for men who fought during the Civil War to preserve the enslavement of Black people ― America’s “original sin” that still affects the life of Black Americans today. Meanwhile, NASCAR announced Wednesday that it would ban the display of the Confederate flag at all its events and properties. [HuffPost]

Republican Group Says Trump Just Became The ‘Confederacy’s Second President’. The president is honoring those who fought “to preserve slavery and uphold white supremacy,” the Lincoln Project says: here.

OVER 1,250 EX-DOJ WORKERS DEMAND PROBE OF A.G. BARR More than 1,250 former Justice Department workers have signed a letter calling for an independent investigation into Attorney General William Barr’s role in last week’s violent removal of anti-racism demonstrators near the White House. The letter addressed to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz called Barr’s role in the protesters’ June 1 removal ahead of Trump’s photo-op at a nearby church “disturbing” as well as a likely violation of the demonstrators’ constitutional rights. [HuffPost]

A security fence erected around the White House has become a massive, makeshift art project that demands equal protection for all Americans.

WHITE HOUSE DOUBLES DOWN ON TRUMP’S SMEAR AGAINST PROTESTER White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany defended Trump’s tweet that falsely accused a 75-year-old anti-racism protester who was shoved to the ground by police of being an “ANTIFA provocateur.” During an interview with “Fox & Friends,” McEnany said Trump was simply raising questions based on a report he saw. The president’s tweet appeared to reference a segment that aired on OANN, a right-wing network that routinely disseminates conspiracy theories. [HuffPost]

TRUMP BELIEVES ‘DEFUND THE POLICE’ IS A POLITICAL GIFT While Trump’s unhinged tweets may have already stepped on the message, senior White House aides are betting that his conspiracy theories about a 75-year-old Buffalo, New York, protester will fade quickly while “defund the police” could be a key campaign flashpoint for months to come. “The Democrats are giving a wink and a nod to the ‘defund the police’ movement all on their own ― even if Biden was hedging all over himself,” a senior White House aide told HuffPost, referring to Joe Biden’s careful statement on Monday. [HuffPost]

LEBRON JAMES IS FIGHTING FOR BLACK VOTERS’ RIGHTS Spurred by the death of George Floyd, NBA superstar LeBron James said he’s launching a new initiative with a group of other renowned African American athletes and celebrities aimed at protecting Black voting rights. James said Floyd’s death convinced him that he needed “to get out and do a little bit more” to empower and inspire African Americans across the nation to vote in the November election — and also to draw attention to efforts to suppress the votes of minority groups. [HuffPost]

A racial trauma therapist breaks down the Black Lives Matter protests.

L’Oreal dropped this model for commenting on systemic racism. Now it wants her back

Listen: How Gen Z and Millennial Jews are talking to their parents and children about George Floyd.

Auschwitz survivor voices support for Chicago protesters.

Scribe | I protested in DC — in my tallis.

14 thoughts on “US police murders George Floyd, worldwide condemnation

  1. In a move that should surprise no one at this point, Donald Trump once again fired up to blindside our military with a tweet saying he will refuse to allow the renaming of any Army bases named after traitorous Confederate generals.

    Confederate traitors killed over 360,000 Americans in the Civil War to defend slavery, yet Army bases across the US bear the names of traitors who led them. It’s shameful and beyond time for action to be taken to right these wrongs.

    Add your name to the VoteVets petition to rename Army bases named after racist and hate-fueled Confederate generals.

    sign the petition

    Here are the kinds of people Donald Trump is advocating for by insisting we uphold legacies of white supremacy and by keeping their names on our Army bases:

    Camp Beauregard is named after Confederate Gen. P.G.T Beauregard. Beauregard led Confederate troops in the First Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Shiloh, and the Second Battle of Petersburg, resulting in the deaths and casualties of over 50,000 troops.

    Fort Benning is named after Confederate Brig. Gen. Henry L. Benning. An advocate for secession after a failed run for Congress, he was appointed to the GA Supreme Court where he challenged state adherence to the Supreme Court rulings.

    Fort Bragg is named after Confederate Gen. Braxton Bragg. Bragg was a slave owner and is recognized as one of the WORST generals in the Civil War. His failure at the Battle of Chattanooga at the hands of Ulysses S. Grant ultimately helped hand victory to the North while sacrificing the lives of American soldiers.

    Fort Gordon is named after Conf. Maj. Gen. John Brown Gordon. Gordon was the slave owner of a 14-year-old girl. During his time in the Confederate Army, he was known as one of Robert E. Lee’s most trusted generals. Post-war, Gordon was an opponent to Reconstruction, advocated for use of violence to preserve white-dominated society, and is believed to have been the head of the KKK in Georgia.

    Fort A.P. Hill is named for Confederate Lieut. Gen. A. P. Hill. Hill often said he’d rather die than see the fall of the Confederacy, and, after leading his “Lightest Division,” he died in battle as an ineffective corp commander known for lacking judgment.

    Fort Hood is named after Confederate Gen. John Bell Hood. Hood commanded the Texas Brigade and was known for his recklessness. His career was marred by his failure to lead larger commands and his defeats in the Atlanta and the Franklin–Nashville Campaigns.

    Fort Lee is named for Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. Lee’s cruelty to slaves was infamous, imprisoning many for resistance and breaking up all but one family. Lee himself would often enforce whippings and punishment. Lee led the Confederate Army throughout the Civil War, losing to the North at the cost of over 620,000 soldiers.

    Fort Pickett is named for Confederate Gen. George Pickett. Pickett is known for Pickett’s Charge, the Confederate offensive on the third day of the Battle of Gettysburg. Post-war he fled to Canada, fearing persecution for his execution of 22 Union troops.

    Fort Polk is named for Confederate Gen. Leonidas Polk. Polk was a Bishop and the largest slave owner in Maury County, TN, with nearly 400 slaves. He saw it as his duty as bishop to fight in the war and died in battle with the reputation of a failed commander.

    Fort Rucker is named for Confederate Gen. Edmund Rucker. Grandson of Gen. James Winchester, a veteran of the Revolutionary War, Rucker besmirched his grandfather’s sacrifices to build the nation by joining the Confederacy in tearing apart the country.

    Maybe if Donald Trump didn’t have us blocked on Twitter, he would have learned something from this information we shared yesterday. But he doesn’t need us to know that the Confederacy fought a war against the United States to preserve slavery. He may not know the story behind each name, but he knows what they fought for. And he wants to honor it.

    We need to push back harder than ever. Backed by the Commander-in-Chief who has spent his entire tenure as President disrespecting our military, the Army is ignoring public outcry on this issue. Add your name today to stand with the 25,000 VoteVets members who have already signed the petition demanding the Army rename 10 Army bases named after Confederate generals.

    sign the petition



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