Sanders wins Nevada, USA, corporate media panic

This 23 February 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

Bernie Sanders Wins Nevada Democratic Caucuses, Cementing Front-Runner Status | Victory Speech

This 23 February 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

Bernie Wins Nevada!

Breaking: We won Nevada! We are building an unprecedented grassroots movement, and together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. Let’s take the next step and win it all.

This 22 February 2020 video from the USA is called BREAKING: Bernie Wins Nevada Caucus, MSNBC is MELTING DOWN!

MSNBC slammed for ‘full-blown freakout’ after Bernie Sanders cements status as Democratic frontrunner: here.

Democratic Party Dinosaurs Have Seen the Meteor, and It’s Coming From Vermont. An MSNBC host outrageously responded to Sanders’s victory in Nevada by comparing it to the Nazi victory in France, by William Rivers Pitt, Truthout, February 23, 2020.

This 23 February 2020 video from Canada says about itself:

Chris Matthews and the Mainstream Media FREAK OUT as Bernie Sanders CRUSHES the Nevada Caucus

Bernie Sanders has just won the Nevada Caucuses by a MASSIVE amount, and the mainstream media are freaking out over it. Bernie not only won Nevada by a large total, but won among moderate and conservative voters. Mainstream media figures on MSNBC like Chris Matthews and James Carville had a tantrum live on TV, but they weren’t the only ones: all across cable news, there is a sense of devastation that Bernie won Nevada, and some are suggesting they would rather have Trump win than Bernie.

From Our Revolution in the USA today:

Despite the best efforts of the ruling class, our movement won in Nevada and is on the path to victory.

While it’s OK to celebrate, it’s even more important that we don’t take our eye off the ball. With South Carolina and Super Tuesday just around the corner, we are on the verge of taking a gigantic leap forward.

Our Revolution has invested in holding over 26 Campaign Kickoffs with thousands of our members of local Our Revolution groups in CA, TX, FL, OH, MI, CO, WA, MI, and other must-win states.

Now it’s up to us to turn all that organizing power into victories powerful enough to save our democracy and global environment from corporate destruction.

Rush a donation here to help us keep up the momentum, fight back against increasingly desperate corporate attacks, and continue to defeat the unlimited resources of the corporate establishment!

Onward to victory,

Our Revolution

This 23 February 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

Bernie Sanders with Crushing Victory in Nevada!

5 thoughts on “Sanders wins Nevada, USA, corporate media panic

  1. At the Bellagio casino caucus site, 41-year-old Christian Nielsen, a scuba diver, said he backed Mr Sanders because he believes the country needs a “major change in the White House.

    “We need somebody in the White House who has been on the right side of history for their entire career, somebody who stands with the working class and will make things more fair for everybody,” Mr Nielsen said.

    Right-wing candidate Joe Biden came second, and took aim at Mr Sanders and tycoon Michael Bloomberg, declaring: “I ain’t a socialist. I’m not a plutocrat. I’m a Democrat.”

    Polls showed Mr Sanders had a commanding lead among Latino voters, winning about half of all their votes.

    The win follows his victory in New Hampshire and consolidates a first-place position muddied by the first state caucus in Iowa, where he won the largest number of votes but received fewer delegates than Pete Buttigieg. Mr Buttigieg congratulated Mr Sanders on his Nevada win but immediately took aim at him by accusing him of believing in “an inflexible ideological revolution that leaves out most Democrats, not to mention most Americans.”

    Right-wing Democrats assert that Mr Sanders’s socialist politics will make him unelectable – though his supporters say that his anti-Establishment credentials would actually be an advantage. Polls suggested in 2016 that he could have beaten Donald Trump in the presidential election that Hillary Clinton, who beat Mr Sanders to the nomination with the help of unelected “superdelegates” to the party’s Convention, lost.

    But for all the energy and attention devoted to the first three states, they award only a tiny fraction of the delegates needed to capture the nomination.

    After South Carolina, the contest becomes national in scope, putting a premium on candidates who have the resources to compete in states as large as California and Texas.


  2. Pingback: Sanders’ Nevada, USA victory, a British comment | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: US establishment smears Sanders as ‘Russian stooge’ | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Biden wins South Carolina, Sanders still frontrunner | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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