Anti-Chinese racism in the Netherlands

This 6 February 2020 video says about itself:

The coronavirus outbreak has brought increasing reports of racial abuse against Chinese communities in the UK and Europe.

Translated from Dutch NOS radio today:

A student complex at Wageningen University was daubed and smeared last night. Texts like ‘Die Chinese’, and ‘Chinese corona‘ are written in an elevator of the complex. The elevator was also smeared with faeces.

“This is more than discrimination and xenophobia. The person who does these kinds of terrible things lives with us but tries to destroy the lives of all tenants,” one of the residents writes on Facebook. According to the resident, many Chinese students live in the building.

A Chinese flag has also been torn from a room door and there has been thumping on apartment doors. It is still unclear who is behind it. The police are aware of the destruction. “My colleagues visited this morning to investigate the matter,” says a spokesperson. “In the meantime, everything has been cleaned up.”

Thousands of students affected by New Zealand’s anti-Chinese travel ban: here.

5 thoughts on “Anti-Chinese racism in the Netherlands

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