Bolivian pro-Trump putschists commit bloodbath

This 15 November 2019 video from the USA says about itself:

Exposing the fascist forces behind Bolivia’s US-backed coup – with Max Blumenthal

Max Blumenthal discusses the fascist and Christian extremist forces leading the military coup against Bolivia’s elected President Evo Morales, which had support from the US, [Bolsonaro‘s] Brazil, and Colombia.

Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs: here.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

In Bolivia, during violence between the police and supporters of deposed President Morales, at least five people were killed and dozens injured. That says the director of a hospital in the city of Sacaba. Also a journalist from AFP news agency says he has seen five dead bodies.

According to the hospital director, most of the dead and wounded had gunshot wounds. He speaks of the most serious violence in his 30-year career.

Witnesses say the police opened fire on supporters of Morales when they wanted to pass a military checkpoint near the city of Cochabamba. … Earlier in the day, thousands of supporters of the deposed president had protested peacefully in the neighbouring city Sacaba. …

Morales, who fled to Mexico, speaks of a massacre on Twitter.

The ousted president also warned that the United States was the “great conspirator” behind the coup d’etat that forced him to leave his country. The US is one of only a few countries to have recognised Ms Anez as Bolivia’s interim leader. Mr Morales claims that he officially remains the president since the country’s parliament has not yet accepted his resignation. He called for calm and dialogue in Bolivia and said: “I want to tell [my supporters] that we will have to recover democracy, but with a lot of patience and peaceful struggle”: here.