German neo-fascist deposed as parliamentary committee chairman

This 13 November 2019 video says about itself:

Germany: AfD Bundestag committee head ousted over alleged anti-Semitism

The German Parliament’s (Bundestag) Legal Affairs Committee voted to oust its chairperson Stephan Brandner, a member of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, in Berlin on Wednesday, after he made comments that were widely seen as anti-Semitic.

Brandner was stripped of his post after the committee voted 37-6 in favour of his removal. It is the first time in German post-war history that a committee head has been voted out.

AfD co-leader Alexander Gauland condemned the committee’s decision …

Brandner has repeatedly been accused of expressing anti-Semitic sentiments, including his recent tweet where he claimed that singer Udo Lindenberg, who is critical of the AfD, was given a ‘Judaslohn’ (‘Judas Reward’) when he was presented with the Federal Order of Merit.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV, 13 November 2019:

For the first time in the seventy-year history of the Bundestag [German parliament], a committee chair has been deposed. It is AfD politician Stephan Brandner, who until today was chairman of the justice committee of the German parliament. Because the politician refused to resign, it came to a vote today.

Brandner came under fire last month because of a tweet he shared after the attack on a synagogue in Halle. The tweet asked “why politicians hang out with candles at mosques and synagogues, while the two victims of the attack are a German woman and a German-born person [a kebab shop customer]”.

After the tweet, all German parties, apart from the AfD, called for Brandner to leave as chairman of the justice committee. The call was supported by, eg, the German Bar Association. …

At the beginning of this month, the former committee chairman again became discredited. The politician called the presentation of the Order of Merit to the AfD-critical rock singer Udo Lindenberg ‘Judas’ thirty pieces of silver‘. The other parties accused Brandner of using anti-Semitic concepts and called for the resignation of the committee chairman. According to the parties, Brandner does not have the decency, respect and dignity for the chairmanship.

Because the AfD politician did not want to leave voluntarily, a chairman was voted down for the first time in the history of the Bundestag.

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