Bolsonaro militarising Brazilian schools

This 4 April 2019 France 24 video says about itself:

Brazil: Military discipline at school

Brazil‘s new minister of education caused an outcry among some when he proposed that schoolchildren recite President Jair Bolsonaro‘s campaign slogan each morning. But plenty of other Brazilians are happy to see more conservativism in schools. They are followers of a movement close to the Bolsonaro administration, and to Evangelical churches which claim to be fighting indoctrination in public schools after too many years of leftist government. Our correspondents report.

Translated from Belgian daily (Roman Catholic) De Standaard today:

Brazilian president Bolsonaro wants to militarize schools

To the class in army uniform

Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro wants public schools to get less money. Unless they transform themselves into military schools, then the money is ready. “A conscious strategy to anchor yourself ideologically.”

So, extreme right Bolsonaro, just like his United States ally Trump; who was educated at a military academy, but was a draft dodger, avoiding having to go to the Vietnam war (like that other United States president, George W Bush).

Barely two days after Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, of the Workers Party (PT), left jail thanks to a Supreme Court (STF) ruling granting some five thousand Brazilian prisoners the right to remain free until exhausting their appeals, President Jair Bolsonaro threatened to have the ex-president re-arrested under Brazil’s dictatorship-era National Security Law for “inciting violence”: here.

5 thoughts on “Bolsonaro militarising Brazilian schools

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