Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh update

This 3 October 2018 video from the USA says about itself:

Trump Stoops To All-Time Low

Trump went off the rails at a Mississippi campaign rally where he attacked and demeaned Kavanaugh accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

“Blasey, 51, gave emotional testimony on Thursday, recalling the details of the night she claims Kavanaugh drunkenly held her down and tried to forcibly remove her clothes at a gathering in the 1980s. While Blasey couldn’t recall certain details, such as the house’s exact location or how she got home, she did remember Kavanaugh and his friend’s ‘uproarious laughter between the two, and their having fun at my expense.’

Blasey is the first of three women who have publicly accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. In the weeks that followed Blasey’s allegation, Deborah Ramirez accused Kavanaugh of thrusting his penis in her face while they were at a party as undergraduates in college. Julie Swetnick has accused him of being present during a ‘gang rape’ at a party in 1982.”

Read more here.

TRUMP MOCKS KAVANAUGH ACCUSER President Donald Trump, who has been accused of sexual misconduct by more than 20 women, openly mocked Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony and the Me Too movement at his rally in Southaven, Mississippi. In an angry rant that’ll do little to help Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination, Trump publicly doubted Blasey’s emotional testimony in which she recalled how Kavanaugh drunkenly held her down and tried to forcibly remove her clothes. [HuffPost]

TRUMP: ‘A SCARY TIME FOR YOUNG MEN’ Earlier, Trump told reporters it’s “a very scary time for young men in America when you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of.” Asked if he had “a message for young women”, Trump said: “women are doing great.” [HuffPost]

CLASSMATES REVOKE ENDORSEMENT Two of Kavanaugh’s former law school classmates have withdrawn their support for the nominee because of “the nature” of his Senate testimony. “Under the current circumstances, we fear that partisanship has injected itself into Judge Kavanaugh’s candidacy”, Michael J. Proctor and Mark Osler say in a letter to the Judiciary Committee. “That, and the lack of judicial temperament displayed on September 27 hearing, cause us to withdraw our support.” [HuffPost]

LAW PROFESSORS: KAVANAUGH DISQUALIFIED HIMSELF Kavanaugh’s classmates aren’t the only people bailing. More than 500 law professors from nearly 100 law schools have signed a letter saying the nominee’s volatile temperament during his puffing testimony disqualifies him from sitting on the highest court. [HuffPost]

FBI REPORT WON’T BE MADE PUBLIC The fresh FBI’s background investigation into the allegations against Kavanaugh will not be made public, according to Senate Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). “We will get an FBI report soon. It will be made available to each senator and only senators will be allowed to look at it,” he said. Unless, of course, the report is immediately leaked to the press. [HuffPost]

NYT: TRUMP COMMITTED TAX FRAUD A bombshell investigative report by the New York Times details how Trump engaged in tax fraud. Citing a “vast trove” of confidential tax return and financial records, the newspaper revealed that Trump helped his parents evade taxes, setting up a fake corporation with his siblings to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents. Trump has mythologized himself as the self-made man. In fact, he received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate business. [HuffPost

10 thoughts on “Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh update

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