Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh, update

This video from the USA says about itself:

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford: ‘I Thought Brett Was Accidentally Going To Kill Me’

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s harrowing testimony shook more than just the Senate Judiciary Committee. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

GOP PLANS TO RAM THROUGH KAVANAUGH The Senate Judiciary Committee plans to proceed with a vote Friday on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, despite the whirlwind hearing in which the federal judge answered questions about a sexual assault allegations. However, the American Bar Association called on the committee to delay its confirmation vote pending an FBI investigation. [HuffPost]

TRUMP: KAVANAUGH TESTIMONY ‘POWERFUL, HONEST’ President Donald Trump reacted to the hearing by calling Kavanaugh’s testimony  “powerful, honest, and riveting,” adding that the Senate “must vote!” Not everyone was as impressed: the national Catholic publication America Magazine revoked its July endorsement of Kavanaugh following Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony. [HuffPost]

KAVANAUGH OUTED AS PARTISAN WARRIOR During the hearing, Kavanaugh exposed himself as a partisan warrior, accusing Democrats of engaging in a “calculated and orchestrated political hit” that was animated by “anger at Trump” over the 2016 presidential election, as well as “revenge on behalf of” Bill and Hillary Clinton. In contrast, here’s Blasey giving her powerful testimony describing how Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her. [HuffPost]

SCOTUS PICK PLAYS VICTIM By first yelling, then breaking down in tears, then attacking those who raised the allegations, Kavanaugh’s strategy was clear: to portray himself as an aggrieved victim. It was a spectacle of angry male bonding. [HuffPost]

CONSERVATIVE MEDIA CHIMES IN Here’s how conservatives and members of the right-wing media responded to Blasey’s testimony. Yet it wasn’t all bad: Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said the allegations against Kavanaugh prompted his daughters to reveal to him for the first time certain experiences they had in high school. [HuffPost]

KAVANAUGH CLASSMATE: HE’S LYING North Carolina State University professor Chad Ludington has joined a handful of former classmates of Brett Kavanaugh in contradicting the Supreme Court nominee’s claims about his past drinking. Ludington told The New York Times that Kavanaugh played down “the degree and frequency” of his drinking at Yale to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week and that he often saw Kavanaugh “staggering from alcohol consumption.” [HuffPost]

Here are all the lies Brett Kavanaugh has told.

LITTLE ADVANCE SINCE ANITA HILL The Senate’s treatment of Anita Hill in 1991 is considered a national embarrassment. The treatment of Christine Blasey Ford will not go down in history much better. [HuffPost]

13 thoughts on “Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh, update

  1. Yesterday was a hard day.

    For many of us, it was eerily similar to 27 years ago when Anita Hill told the nation her story of sexual harassment by Clarence Thomas. She was attacked and demeaned by the Senators in front of her. Called a scorned woman. Called a liar. And she bore it all with poise and polite perseverance.

    Twenty-seven years later, it’s easy to feel as if nothing has changed. Dr. Ford was cool, calm and collected in retelling her traumatic, truthful story in the face of angry, belligerent privilege.

    While he yelled and sassed the Senators asking him valid questions about his fitness for this lifetime appointment, Brett Kavanaugh was standing on hundreds of years of assumptions about race and gender that have always shielded him from consequences.

    Brett Kavanaugh will most likely become a Supreme Court Justice because of the circumstances of his birth. Much like Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown were killed because of the circumstances of their birth.

    Brett Kavanaugh is accused of sexually assaulting Dr. Ford, forever changing her life. He was 17. Somehow in this country, that makes him a (white) boy who made a mistake. Yet at the age of 12, Tamir Rice was shot down simply for being a black boy playing in the park.

    We say, no more. This ends now.

    This is a historic moment. If we say “no more” loud enough, with our hearts, voices and votes, we can elect leaders who look and feel like we do. Women, people of all colors, change-makers who are willing to confront the privilege in this country, in our laws and our society, and finally make this a more perfect union for everyone.

    Let’s take this moment to take action. Contribute to our campaign to elect a new generation of diverse, progressive leaders that will stand up for ALL of us >>>

    As we learned yesterday, this fight is long and hard and sometimes it feels like we’re right back where we started. But I know we’re making progress. When I see Kamala Harris and Cory Booker speaking truth to power, I see progress. When I see Stacey Abrams, Andrew Gillum, and Ben Jealous out on the campaign trail, I see progress.

    That’s why we need you, and your family, friends and neighbors. We all deserve a better future and we need everyone’s help to get there.

    If you’re in this fight with us to elect representatives in the halls of power that will fight for ALL of the people, I hope you’ll contribute to our cause today.

    This fight continues,

    Stefanie Brown James
    The Collective PAC

    Paid for by The Collective; not authorized by any candidate or any candidate’s committee.

    The Collective
    2101 L St NW
    Suite 800
    Washington DC 20037 United States


  2. Dear ,

    Please forward this message to everyone else you know right now.

    The same kind of ridiculous strictures that Trump has tried to impose
    on an interview of himself by Mueller, he has already imposed on the
    new one week FBI investigation called for on the sex crimes of Above
    The Law Kavanaugh.

    Trump has forbidden the FBI from talking to Julie Swetnick at all,
    the woman whose sworn declaration alleges that she witnessed
    Kavanaugh trying to spike punch bowls, lining up to participate in
    gang rapes, and who knows of two other women she confided in

    Trump is literally telling the FBI who they can and who they cannot
    interview even as to the allegation of the other two women assaulted
    by the first actual physical sex offender to be nominated to the
    Supreme Court.

    Trump will not even allow the FBI to obtain the employment records of
    Mark Judge, to confirm when he worked at the Safeway where Christine
    Blasey Ford ran into him after the attempted rape of herself, which
    might nail down the date when this happened.

    What are they trying to hide?

    Answer: Everything.

    It’s worse than a joke. It’s worse than a farce. It worse than a
    sham. It’s worse than a charade. It’s nothing but a big, fat, con
    job. As usual, whatever Trump accuses someone else of is exactly what
    he is exclusively guilty of himself.

    It’s exactly an example of the very abuse of executive power that
    requires Trump himself to be removed from office as soon as possible.
    It is exactly the kind of obstruction of justice that requires his
    own criminal conviction.

    The first thing you need to do is call Jeff Flake, Susan Collins,
    Lisa Murkowski, and Joe Manchin, and tell them how outraged you are.
    We want the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the whole truth.

    Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121

    And then call your own senators if they are not one of the four
    above, and tell them the same thing.

    Go to their offices on Monday. Descend on them like locusts. Confront
    them the same way those two brave women confronted Jeff Flake when he
    tried to escape in his Senators only elevator. In particular, demand
    that Flake condemn this despicable fix of a so-called investigation.

    This is not the investigation you wanted, Jeff, is it? Well, is it?

    Would you expect LeBron James to do his job in a straight jacket?
    Neither should the FBI be so limited. We were willing to accept a
    time limit on getting to the bottom of these accusations. But within
    that time limit, there must be absolutely NO restrictions on who the
    FBI can talk to and where they can go.

    As far as we’re concerned, the clock doesn’t even START on the one
    week investigation until they can. In fact, because Trump even tried
    this despicable obstruction of justice stunt we are demanding a full
    and complete FBI investigation, following up on ALL relevant leads,
    no matter how long it takes.

    This ain’t over until the FBI says it’s over, until they say they
    have had enough time to properly do their work. And they damn well
    better not be in on the big, fat, con job themselves.

    Keep demonstrating your opposition with your choice of a resistance
    bumper sticker.

    Above The Law Kavanaugh bumper stickers:

    And we also are making bulk packs available, for those who really
    want to make the biggest impact.

    Above The Law Kavanaugh bulk packs:

    The People’s Email Network, PO Box 35022, L.A., CA 90035


  3. Pingback: Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh update | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: 302 people arrested for protesting Trump’s rape scandal nominee Kavanaugh | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: Trump-United States judiciary conflict | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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