Somali-Dutch woman’s election victory after racist abuse

An Emmen voter welcomes election candidate Ugbaad Kilincci

This photo shows an Emmen (Drenthe province in the Netherlands) voter welcoming local election candidate Ugbaad Kilincci.

Unfortunately, not everyone in Emmen welcomed this member of the ‘center left’ PvdA party.

Ms Kilincci, while she was campaigning, was called a “black monkey” and “headscarf [‘kopvod’, literally ‘animal head rag’] mongoloid“. She was also told that she had to “fuck off to Africa“.

NOS TV reports today:

Kilincci said afterwards: “I want to dedicate myself to the people of Emmen, but I am being rejected as if I do not belong to it.” While this is really my town, I grew up here in the Emmerhout district, and Emmen is mine as well.”

When her parents fled from the war in Somalia, Ugbaad Kilincci came along to the Netherlands as a one-year-old girl.

On local election day, 21 March, Ms Kilincci was on the 12th spot of the PvdA list. Normally, that would have meant no local council seat for her. However, preferential votes for Ugbaad Kilincci made her ‘jump’ over candidates higher on the list. So, now she is a council member.

The PvdA in Emmen won one extra council seat. That was exceptional. Nearly in all other local authorities, the PvdA vote went down sharply, leaving only 50% or less from the previous election’s votes. That is because until recently, the PvdA were junior partners in a coalition national government with the right-wing VVD party, helping it with its pro-Big Business and anti-poor people policies.

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