Laysan albatross dance party

This video from Hawaii says about itself:

Laysan Albatross Practice Courtship With Dance Party – Mar 13, 2018

The courtship dancing displays of Laysan Albatross are as elaborate as they are entertaining to watch. This ritual dancing helps to establish and maintain the very long and strong pair bonds between breeding adults. Young and non-breeding birds dance as well. They will even continue to dance throughout the breeding season as they practice their skills and begin to form partnerships. Watch the birds conduct coordinated movements in which they touch bills, spread one or both wings, bob their heads, place their bill under one wing, and pause with their bill pointed at the sky.

The Kauai Laysan Albatross cam is a collaboration between the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Kauai Albatross Network.

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4 thoughts on “Laysan albatross dance party

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