Painting, birds, sea and buildings in Katwijk

Jan Toorop, 17 September 2017

As I blogged before, on 17 September 2017 we arrived at the North Sea in Katwijk town in the Netherlands. As this photo shows, there, on a sand dune, is a reproduction of a painting by artist Jan Toorop (1858–1928). Of Dutch-Indonesian ancestry, he lived some of his life in Katwijk.

Jan Toorop, bomschuit ship, 17 September 2017

This 1890 painting shows a ‘bomschuit‘ type ship on the beach of Katwijk. Fishermen and horses had to drag the ship out of the sea, or back into the sea; as Katwijk has no seaport.

A bit further was more art reminding people of fishing, traditionally the main industry in Katwijk aan Zee village.

Katwijk aan Zee, monument, 17 September 2017

A metal sculpture commemorates the over a hundred Katwijk fishermen who died at sea from 1919-2000, mentioning their names and ages.

Katwijk aan Zee, monument poem, 17 September 2017

The poem on the monument says (translated): Went to sea to have daily bread/Not knowing about the ends of their lives/This death did not grant farewells to loved ones/Only the names and memories stayed.

So, after the 1900 theatre play Op Hoop van Zegen by Herman Heijermans, which exposed unscrupulous shipowners and workplace deaths, and increased pressure for improvements, fishing was still a dangerous job. And it still is in this 21st century: in front of the metal monument were four stones commemorating four Katwijk fishermen casualties from 2005, 2006 and 2007.

Katwijk aan Zee, lamppost, 17 September 2017

A lamppost which used to be a ship’s mast.

Katwijk aan Zee, bird migration counting point, 17 September 2017

We arrived at the bird migration counting point, with pictures of various bird species which pass here. Meanwhile, barn swallows flying south on their autumn migration. So did meadow pipits.

A jackdaw and two migrating northern wheatears on the ground close to us. Unfortunately, no people counting birds present.

Sea holly growing. The flowers are gone already.

We continue to the mouth of the Old Rhine river. A carrion crow. A ringed plover on a rock.

Katwijk aan Zee, on 17 September 2017

Then, we walk south along the beach.

Katwijk aan Zee, church, 17 September 2017

We pass the old Saint Andrew’s church and its tower.

Katwijk aan Zee, church, on 17 September 2017

Finally, we are on the part of the beach south of Katwijk, and go inland to the sand dunes. Stay tuned!

3 thoughts on “Painting, birds, sea and buildings in Katwijk

  1. Pingback: Birdlife and bird photography news | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  3. Pingback: Rare lizard orchid re-discovered in the Netherlands | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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