‘Inhuman Belgian prisons’, Dutch court says

This video says about itself:

Belgian jail loses keys

1 November 2012

The governor of one Belgian jail has been suspended after keys to the cells went missing.

The chaplain of Leuven prison has mislaid his master set and staff fear inmates could have got their hands on them.

It means the lucky prisoner will be able to open any of the 180 cells and the doors that separate the twenty sections.

Officials are trying to get the bottom of the matter.

A number of staff went on strike for several hours on Wednesday in support of the suspended governor.

They returned to work later that evening and maintenance staff are in for a busy few days.

The locks on all the cells are having to be replaced one by one.

Translated from Leen Vervaeke, 1 August 2017, in Dutch daily De Volkskrant:

Dutch court refuses extradition to Belgium; Prisons are ‘inhuman and degrading’

Usually, such an extradition request is a formality, but on Tuesday, the International Law Chamber of the Amsterdam Court refused to send the suspects to Belgium. Reason for this is a devastating report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment of the Council of Europe (CPT), published two weeks ago. In that report, the CPT wrote that it had never seen such a bad situation as in Belgium in Europe in 27 years.

Sometimes three prisoners live in a one person cell, with fungi on the walls, without toilet or running water.

1 thought on “‘Inhuman Belgian prisons’, Dutch court says

  1. Pingback: Belgian government lies on sending refugees to torture in Sudan | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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