Big Labour election meeting in England

This video from England is called Jeremy Corbyn speech at Hebden Bridge – 15 May 2017.

By Peter Lazenby in Britain:

Big crowds love Jezza’s message

Tuesday 16th May 2017

MORE than 1,000 people turned out yesterday in Hebden Bridge — population 4,000 — to give Jeremy Corbyn a tumultuous welcome at a Labour election rally.

The party leader travelled to the West Yorkshire town to support Labour candidate Josh Fenton-Glynn, who introduced him as “the next prime minister.”

Hebden Bridge is in the key marginal constituency of Calder Valley, currently held by Tory Craig Whitaker.

The meeting room in the town hall was packed to capacity, as were riverside terraces adjoining the room, and even across the river.

The throng was so big that Mr Corbyn had to speak twice: once to those in the meeting room, and again from a balcony to hundreds outside.

As he started, his speech was drowned out by chants of “Corbyn! Corbyn!”

Mr Corbyn referred to the leaked election manifesto, which he is due to launch officially in Bradford today.

“There are two election campaigns,” he said. “One involves attacks and personal abuse.

“Then there is the other — the enthusiasm from people from all walks of life, because there are people like you who are serious about the kind of society we want to live in.”

Among pledges he made were to treat physical and mental health problems with parity.

Communities in the Calder Valley have been repeatedly flooded in recent years.

“We are serious about investment in flood defences and river management,” said Mr Corbyn.

“People cannot have their homes flooded year in, year out,” he said, to cheers.

Mr Corbyn pressed on to Leeds, where a crowd of about 3,000 people had gathered opposite the Brudenell Social 20 minutes before he was due to arrive.

Again there were huge cheers and chants of “Corbyn! Corbyn!” as his battle bus arrived.

TORY PM Theresa May yesterday declared war on pensioners and their children yesterday with the launch of her party’s election manifesto: here. And here.

18 thoughts on “Big Labour election meeting in England

  1. Tuesday 16th May 2017

    posted by Morning Star in Britain

    by Alan Jones

    LABOUR “lost its soul” under Tony Blair but tens of thousands have joined the party to support the progressive policies promoted by leader Jeremy Corbyn, according to Aslef union general secretary Mick Whelan.

    He said there were times during the New Labour years when the trade unions were treated like distant relatives rather than close family.

    Writing in the train drivers’ union magazine, Mr Whelan noted that the Labour vote fell in 2001 and again in 2005.

    “It wasn’t just the Iraq war which did for Toxic Tony, it was the fact that under Tony Blair the Labour Party lost its soul. “Under Jeremy Corbyn, that has changed.”

    He highlighted the fact that “off the back of an unexpected, and debilitating, defeat” at the general election in 2015, Mr Corbyn has brought back tens of thousands of new members, activists and supporters.

    Mr Whelan believes many had been forced to leave the party by New Labour, which only offered them “the same sort of discredited policies, in the wake of the global financial collapse, as the Tories.”

    But Mr Whelan, who chairs the group which liaises between Labour and its affiliated trade unions, said Mr Corbyn had been a “real breath of fresh air.”

    He added: “Jeremy, who believes in the core values and traditional aspirations of the Labour Party, is running on a progressive platform which I believe will excite voters put off by the machinations of the New Labour years.”


  2. Tuesday 16th May 2017

    posted by Morning Star in Britain

    A LABOUR candidate hit out yesterday against the sexism she has faced on the campaign trail.

    Emily Owen said she was shocked to receive messages asking what “sexual acts I’m prepared to perform to get votes” and how many votes would be required for her to strip.

    Ms Owen, who is seeking election in Aberconwy, said that such behaviour needed calling out rather than being ignored.

    She said: “If people have questions about my politics, discuss with me.

    “If you don’t agree with my reply, then challenge me. I’m more than willing to engage in political conversation, so let’s have that debate. This is acceptable.

    “What is not acceptable is flooding me with messages about what sexual acts I’m prepared to perform to get votes, what bra size I am, how many votes are needed for me to strip and comments suggesting the reason I’m standing is to sleep with an Oxford grad.”


  3. Friday 19th May 2017

    posted by Morning Star in Britain

    Protesters jeer May as she reveals manifesto targeting pensioners

    by Lamiat Sabin and Peter Lazenby in Halifax and London

    MILLIONS of pensioners face a triple whammy of “dementia tax” policies, including paying for their own social care at home, under new proposals outlined in the new Tory manifesto.

    Hundreds of protesters delivered a “not welcome here” message to Prime Minister Theresa May as she launched her manifesto yesterday in Halifax, West Yorkshire — which included raising the limit of care costs, downgrading pensions and scrapping universal winter fuel allowance for wealthier pensioners.

    She was met with jeers at the former textile mill complex that is now occupied by employees of small businesses — many of whom had been told by bosses to stay home for the day.

    The manifesto lays out a number of damaging policies, including scrapping the £72,000 limit for residential or home care costs and getting rid of the triple-lock guarantee.

    The triple-lock currently requires state pensions to increase each year by the largest of either 2.5 per cent, inflation or average earnings.

    It would be replaced with a double-lock of earnings or inflation from 2020.

    And the Tories want pensioners to pay more towards care costs, with the means-tested threshold for free care raised from £23,250 to £100,000 — but enforcing sales of homes or assets worth more than the latter figure when the patient dies.

    Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said the plan, which he called a “tax on dementia,” was a “very, very bad idea” because costs spanning a large number of years can be “enormous” compared to the average house price of up to £300,000.

    He also said bringing in means-testing for the winter fuel allowance would be “very expensive.”

    Sir Andrew Dilnot who produced a report on the social care system for the coalition government in 2011 said it was wrong to scrap the £72,000 care cost cap and recommended that patients’ contributions be limited to £35,000.

    He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “People unlucky enough to suffer the need for care costs will be left helpless. They will be entirely on their own until they are down to their last £100,000 of all of their wealth, including their house.”

    National Pensioners Convention general secretary Jan Shortt condemned the policies as “a Frankenstein’s monster of a plan which bolts lots of bad policies together.”

    She added: “This plan has completely failed to spread the risk and cost of social care across society as a whole, and in effect has left the burden on the shoulders of millions of older people and their families.”

    Shadow chancellor John McDonnell accused the Tories of publishing an un-costed manifesto that “contains more questions than answers” while the party has managed to add £700 billion to the national debt since 2010.

    During the demonstration outside the mill, protesters picketed three entrances while Ms May sneaked in by another entrance in a Jaguar accompanied by 4x4s carrying supporters and security staff.

    Unite Community organiser John Coan, whose group evaded police to display a banner declaring “End Zero Hours Contracts” in front of a Tory battle bus — told the Star: “Unlike Jeremy Corbyn who has been walking the streets, Theresa May hid herself.”

    Among the protesters were Kirsty Barwick and Nathan Patchett. He said: “It just really got to us — with being parents of a newborn. May is now cutting free school meals. It is absolutely disgusting.”


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