Easter bonfire postponed because of great tit nest

This 11 April 2017 Dutch video from Dronten town in Flevoland province is about plans for an Easter bonfire, which were postponed because a great tit started nesting there.

Translated from Omroep Flevoland TV in the Netherlands:

Easter bonfire canceled due to bird’s nest in woodpile

Dronten April 11, 2017

It should become an annual tradition, the Easter fire at the Roggebotstaete estate in Dronten. But a little bird threw a spanner in the works. A great tit built a nest in the woodpile.

Lennard Duijvestijn has to laugh, but is secretly also disappointed a little: “We have made a large woodpile six meters high and wanted to invite everyone; then along comes this bird.”.

At Roggebotstaete estate nature is a high priority. “That the great tit precisely chose this stake among all the trees to nest is also very funny,” says Duivesteijn. He lets the bird nest quietly. “We just postpone the Easter fire, and when all eggs will have hatched and the young birds will have fledged then we we will set it on fire.”

Incidentally, the great tit is not the only bird seeking refuge at the woodpile. Employees also saw a wagtail fly in and back again.

4 thoughts on “Easter bonfire postponed because of great tit nest

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