Savannah sparrow in Florida, USA

This video from the USA says about itself:

13 January 2017

Savannah Sparrows are a winter visitor to Florida – a striking sparrow with delicate head details and a sweet little call. Identified by a small yellow patch in front of the eyes and a narrow white stripe on top of the head. This one sat still for several minutes which is rare, allowing for a first time clear capture of this species.

Rather than being named for its penchant for grassy areas, the common name of Savannah Sparrow actually refers to the city of Savannah, Georgia where the bird was first documented.

Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) is the most widespread and abundant wintering sparrow in southeast Florida, occupying a wide variety of habitats that include mangrove edges, saltmarsh prairie, and weedy fields. Like many grassland sparrows, this species uses short chip notes when alarmed, warding off intruders, or approaching its nest. A typical chip note is a soft, hissing tss.

1 thought on “Savannah sparrow in Florida, USA

  1. Pingback: Young Savannah sparrows learn songs from loudspeakers | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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