Anti-private prisons demonstration

This video from England says about itself:

15 November 2016

Dozens of activists wore handcuffs and carried signs in a demonstration against the European Custody and Detention Summit outside the Tower of London, in the British capital on Tuesday. Security companies, prison builders and arms companies were meeting at the summit to discuss new security techniques.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Prison firms summit targeted by protesters

Wednesday 16th November 2016

HUMAN rights campaigners protested outside a security industry conference in London yesterday, accusing firms of “profiting from migrant suffering.”

The protest took place outside the Tower of London where security firms including scandal-hit G4S staged a European Custody and Detention Summit.

Organisers of the demo Global Justice Now said the summit’s agenda exposed the commercial motivations of the companies involved which profit from militarised borders and detention centres across the world.

The protesters displayed barcodes on their bodies, symbolising the profits being made from the suffering deep-rooted in prisons, borders and the arms industry.

Migration campaigner at Global Justice Now Aisha Dodwell said: “There’s such an ocean of human misery and suffering involved in militarised borders, detention centres and prisons, and it’s obscene that a private sector is not only making billions of pounds out of that misery, but actively looking for ways to expand its markets.”

1 thought on “Anti-private prisons demonstration

  1. Saturday 17th December 2016

    posted by Paddy McGuffin in Britain

    A MAJOR disturbance at privately run HMP Birmingham began yesterday with reports of a “badly injured” prisoner and inmates burning and destroying their files.

    Security firm G4S, which runs the Victorian category B jail, confirmed that the incident began shortly after 9am on Friday in two wings of the prison and spread into four in the afternoon.

    A specialist riot team, dogs and a police helicopter were sent to the site.

    A G4S spokesman said: “We are responding to an ongoing incident at HMP Birmingham this morning.

    “Our teams withdrew following a disturbance and sealed two wings, which include some administrative offices.

    “The disturbance has since spread to two further wings.”

    It has been reported that the trouble started with lights being broken and inmates using fire hoses.

    “The officers were then, as they are instructed to do, trying to get as many prisoners locked in their cells as possible to contain it,” he said.

    “While one of the officers was putting a prisoner in the cell he was threatened with what appeared to be a used syringe.”

    It is understood that inmates had gained access to the admin office in one of the wings which officers sealed off.

    Four hundred prisoners are believed to be involved in the incident across the four wings while the rest of the jail is in lockdown.

    Prison Officers Association (POA) national chairman Mike Rolfe said the “serious incident” at the prison is “another stark warning to the Ministry of Justice that the service is in crisis.”

    He added: “Currently the whole facts surrounding the incident at HMP Birmingham are not known.

    “No staff injuries have been reported”

    This is the third disturbance to take place in Britain’s prisons in less than two months following a riot at category-B Bedford prison on November 6 which involved 200 inmates.


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