Pipeline anti-Native American violence on anniversary of Whitestone Massacre

This video from the USA says about itself:

Dakota Access Company Attack Comes on Anniversary of Whitestone Massacre

8 September 2016

We continue our coverage of the standoff at Standing Rock, where on Saturday the Dakota Access pipeline company unleashed dogs and pepper spray on Native Americans seeking to protect a sacred tribal burial site from destruction. Just a few hours before the attack, Democracy Now! interviewed Standing Rock Sioux tribal historian LaDonna Brave Bull Allard about another attack against her tribe more than 150 years ago. On September 3, 1863, the U.S. Army massacred more than 300 members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in what became known as the Whitestone massacre. LaDonna Brave Bull Allard is also one of the founders of the Sacred Stone camp, launched on her land on April 1 to resist the Dakota Access pipeline.

This video from the USA says about itself:

Who’s Investing in the Dakota Access Pipeline? Meet the Banks Financing Attacks on Protesters

7 September 2016

We continue our conversation with Hugh MacMillan on his new investigation revealing the financial institutions backing the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline project.

The investigation, published by research outlet LittleSis, names more than two dozen major banks and financial institutions helping to finance the Dakota Access pipeline. It details how Bank of America, HSBC, UBS, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase and other financial institutions have, combined, extended a $3.75 billion credit line to Energy Transfer Partners, the parent company of Dakota Access.

This video from the USA says about itself:

8 September 2016

Ahead of a major court ruling expected on Friday, TRNN examines the financial and political interests behind the Dakota Access Pipeline

WHY IT’S A PROBLEM A JOURNALIST IS FACING CHARGES FOR REPORTING ON THE DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE “According to Erickson, a woman who appeared at a protest carrying a microphone emblazoned with the name Democracy Now! and trailing a video crew; who can be heard in the resulting video report identifying herself to a security guard as a reporter; and who then broadcast the video on the daily news program she has hosted for 20 years is not actually a journalist.” [The Nation]

28 thoughts on “Pipeline anti-Native American violence on anniversary of Whitestone Massacre

  1. Pingback: Pipeline anti-Native American violence on anniversary of Whitestone Massacre — Dear Kitty. Some blog | Manolis

    U R G E N T L Y N E E D E D !

    Since April, heroic Water Protectors from Standing Rock and others from the Oceti Sakowin (Great Sioux Nation) have been attempting to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, part of the Bakken Pipeline.The DAP is scheduled to be built under the Missouri, Mississippi and Big Sioux rivers in violation of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s rights as an Indigenous Nation as well as presenting a danger to the drinking water of millions of people in the region.

    Thousands of people from scores of Indigenous nations as well as many non-Native supporters have since poured into the area to join the encampments in North Dakota and block the construction. Native youth walked more than 1500 miles to the White House this summer to try to bring attention to this struggle. Despite violent police-orchestrated terror, including arrests, private security goons and the use of attack dogs, the peaceful resistance led by Indigenous people has only grown stronger, sparking national and international support.

    Governor Jack Dalrymple has now called in the National Guard. This ongoing military escalation is outrageous. Anyone with a shred of decency or awareness of the ongoing genocide of Indigenous Peoples is already inflamed by the government’s efforts to combat the Water Protectors and let Big Oil corporations roll through Native land.
    We urge people everywhere to stand with Standing Rock as they carry out a courageous and necessary struggle to protect the land and the water from poisonous oil pipelines. We agree completely that “Mni Wiconi. Water Is Life.”

    Election Campaign Manager Teresa Gutierrez said, “Standing Rock is our Bolivia. When the Indigenous people of Bolivia stood up to defend their water and land, the world took note, inspiring millions of people to fight back against corporate greed. Standing Rock is doing the same right here in the belly of the beast.”

    Make a donation to help our ongoing work
    Donations to buy items for the camp and to cover the costs of sending the delegation are urgently needed to help sustain this solidarity campaign. To make a donation to these efforts, please visit our Gofundme account at gofundme.com/MMLLStandingRock.


    Let the white house know where you stand on the dakota access pipeline and sign this petition: tinyurl.com/jdganm4

    Download moorehead/lily statement on standing rock: http://tinyurl.com/zcu7wgo


  3. Pingback: Native American victory against oil fracking | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Native American tribal nations are leading some of the highest-profile efforts to stop the Dakota Access pipeline for fracked oil. They’re joined by farmers and activists who know that the pipeline is a huge threat to the future of our planet.

    We want to do more than organize against the pipeline. We’re also endorsing two Native American leaders and a pipeline-fighting farmer in their elections this November, as well as supporting the Standing Rock Sioux Nation in their pipeline occupation.

    Chase Iron Eyes is a member of the Standing Rock Sioux tribal nation running for Congress in North Dakota. Vernon Miller is a pipeline fighter running for the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska’s School Board as its chair. Brian Whitecalf is a farmer and steadfast ally of tribal nations who is running for the Grand Island County Board of Supervisors in Nebraska. And we’re going to help the Standing Rock Sioux Nation buy critical supplies for their continued occupation in the path of the Dakota Access pipeline.

    We can send a strong message to fossil fuel companies and polluters if we help Iron Eyes, Miller, and Whitecalf win their elections while supporting the fight against the Dakota Access pipeline. That’s why splitting a $2.70 contribution between their campaigns and Our Revolution will make a difference.

    Every contribution you make to Our Revolution from this email will be directed straight to the Standing Rock Sioux Nation to help them buy critical supplies in their continued occupation in the path of the pipeline in North Dakota.

    Chase Iron Eyes’ race for Congress is especially important. His opponent is a big advocate for the pipeline, and it shouldn’t be surprising why. In just the last financial quarter, Iron Eyes’ incumbent opponent received tens of thousands of dollars directly from oil companies like Hess, Exxon, and Valero. Your contributions to Chase Iron Eyes will go straight to fighting the influence of fossil fuel companies in our democracy.

    We’re going to take the fight to climate polluters and elect candidates from our grassroots movement. This is the power of our political revolution. That is how we will change America.

    Split a $2.70 contribution between Chase Iron Eyes, Vernon Miller, Brian Whitecalf, and the Standing Rock Sioux tribe via Our Revolution now.

    Thanks for being a part of this movement.

    In solidarity,

    Jeff Weaver
    Our Revolution


  5. A filmmaker journalist was arrested for filming a pipeline protest in North Dakota. Deia Schlosberg was held in jail for 48 hours without access to her attorney, and now she’s facing felony conspiracy charges. We need to get the government to drop these charges, which are an affront to the First Amendment.

    Sign our petition to the U.S. Attorney to drop the charges against journalist Deia Schlosberg.


    Native American tribal nations, farmers, and activists are protesting the Dakota Access pipeline for fracked oil, which would bring some of the dirtiest oil on the planet across five states.

    Journalists and filmmakers have been at the pipeline protest’s focal points in North Dakota, documenting the bravery of activists who have been pepper sprayed and attacked with dogs for trying to protect native land and water sources.

    But this week took a turn for the worse: a filmmaker at a pipeline protest in North Dakota was arrested and charged with conspiracy. Deia Schlosberg was held in jail for two days and was not allowed to speak to an attorney. Now she’s facing felony charges, and if Deia is convicted, she could face up to 45 years in prison.

    We need to pressure the government to drop charges against Deia Schlosberg. Our best chance is to ask U.S. Attorney for North Dakota, Chris Myers, to drop the charges, and to make sure North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple and President Obama’s Department of Justice also know Deia should not be charged.

    Sign our petition for the government to drop all charges against Deia Schlosberg, a filmmaker and journalist who was arrested just for filming a protest. Add your name here.

    Arresting journalists for documenting environmental actions is a dangerous precedent and an affront to the First Amendment.

    Deia Schlosberg is an experienced and widely acclaimed filmmaker and journalist. She was the producer for Our Revolution Climate advisor Josh Fox’s latest climate change documentary, and her work documenting environmental organizing is respected and critical.

    These charges are a threat to our freedom of expression on the most basic level and especially to documentary filmmaking. If filmmakers cannot film events as they’re happening, especially protest events or events that the establishment and the police might consider criminal, our society will not be the same.

    Pipelines that transport oil are some of the biggest threats to climate change. Pipelines can carry millions of gallons of dirty oil a day, and activists are doing all they can to stop these pipelines from being built or from operating.

    People like Deia Schlosberg risk their safety to show these protests to the world, but now she’s facing up to 45 years in prison for telling this story.

    Sign the petition to U.S. Attorney Chris Myers, North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple, and the Department of Justice to drop charges against Deia Schlosberg for filming a pipeline protest.

    Thank you for all you do to help stop the effects of climate change.

    In solidarity,

    Jane Kleeb
    Board Member, Our Revolution


  6. Right now, Native women are being strip-searched and jailed in Standing Rock, North Dakota.1

    The women, who are members of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, have been peacefully protesting to stop the construction of an oil pipeline that would destroy sacred sites and threaten the water supply for millions of families. In response, North Dakota authorities have started to arrest, strip-search, and hold protesters for days without bond. One woman was arrested without any cause given, stripped naked, and left naked in a jail cell overnight.2

    The protests have gotten a ton of national attention, but not many know about the abusive arrests and violent strip searches. The Department of Justice, which officially sided with the resistance efforts a few weeks back, has the authority to step in and stop local authorities from abusing the law.3 If we speak up in huge numbers, the Department of Justice will intervene again.

    Tell the U.S. Department of Justice: Stop the sexual humiliation of water protectors by Morton County police.
    Sign the petition

    If you thought the abuse of Native women and families is a thing of the past, you’re wrong. Oil pipeline leaks are notoriously common–and poisonous. That’s why the construction of the North Dakota Access Pipeline was moved away from the state capitol, where state officials with more political power were afraid of the damage the pipeline would cause. Instead, it’s being built under the Standing Rock Sioux tribe’s and millions of other people’s main source of drinking water.4

    These water protectors, who are also currently fighting the pipeline in court, have been facing increasing terror from local authorities trying to further the pipeline’s construction. Authorities have begun to deploy military-grade weapons, attack dogs, drones, and now sexual humiliation as a way to stop the protests.5

    The good news is that, a few weeks ago, the Department of Justice sided with water protectors and ordered the pipeline construction temporarily halted. If we speak up by the thousands with the water protectors, the Department of Justice will step in once more to stop the violent arrests.

    Will you stand up against the unlawful detention of Standing Rock Sioux women?

    Thanks for taking action.

    –Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kathy, Onyi, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Shannon, Megan, Libby, Emma, PaKou, and Pilar, the UltraViolet team


    1. Dakota Excess Pipeline? Standing Rock Protectors Strip-Searched, Jailed for Days on Minor Charges, Democracy Now!, October 17, 2016

    2. Morton County Illegally Strip Searching Lakotas Opposing Pipeline, Narcosphere, October 19, 2016

    3. Justice Dept., Army & Interior Dept. Temporarily Block DAPL Construction Under Missouri River, Democracy Now!, September 9, 2016


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