Pro-grassland birds dairy in Dutch supermarkets

This 6 June 2016 Dutch video introduces the new pro-grassland birds dairy brand Weide Weelde.

Translated from BirdLife in the Netherlands, 7 June 2016:

For the first time for sale at Jumbo supermarkets and soon at Deen, Plus and Poiesz: Weide Weelde [Rich Meadow] milk produced by farmers who support meadow birds. This new dairy brand is an initiative of the Farmers’ Guild, supported by BirdLife in the Netherlands. By buying the Weide Weelde yogurt, milk and buttermilk consumers can contribute directly to more flowery meadows. …

Substantial parts of their [Farmers’ Guild] pastures are mowed later than usually and they have a higher water level, giving flowers and herbs the chance to grow in abundance. Therefore young meadow birds can grow up safely there. Also the cows benefit: at least 180 days a year they walk in the meadow instead of the 120 days which is now usual for grazing. Partly due to the flowery meadows the cows eat a more varied menu and we can taste that in the milk!

Weide Weelde products

For the last few years, VBN/BirdLife Netherlands has been working closely with Dutch farmers in the hopes of making the country’s world-famous dairy products as sustainable and nature-friendly as they are tasty. Gerrit Gerritsen tells us more about a most promising start: here.

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